chapter I Finding love again

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It was a sad day in Star City after Thea and Diggle had gone away, but Oliver understood why they needed time away. After all that they had been through it was the best thing for them right now. He was standing in the foundry looking at all of the suits hanging up and he began to wonder if Felicity was okay, after everything that she had been through and seen. He hadn't seen her after he killed Damien Darhk, but he didn't want to think about him anymore because of all of the bad things he had done and how dark he was. He didn't want any of his darkness in him, he wanted to be a different man and a better man and do things differently. He stood silently, looking at the glass cabinet, trying not to think about Felicity but he couldn't, he missed her so much. He missed holding her in his arms, seeing her smile and laugh, but also pulling him into line when he needed. She was a very strong person who cared so much about him. He always hoped that she would know that he still loved her and that he was sorry for what he did to her. She had changed him from the heart and made him a better man in more ways than he could imagine. She was his world and his light, she always saw the best in him. He didn't know how he was going to tell her all of this or when but he knew he had to talk to her.

Now two months had passed and Felicity was at home, finding it really hard to get on with her life and to find work after she had lost her job at Palmer Technologies. She didn't know if she would ever get her job but she knew that the only way was to work with Oliver and help him with the new team and other things. She wasn't happy after what happened with Havenrock, not being able to stop the one bomb to save thousands of lives, even though Lyla had told her that if the bomb had hit Monument Point it would have killed millions. Inside she still felt bad and torn about it all and she knew that she was going to have to live with it the rest of her life.

This all happened after Oliver recruited a new team member to the Arrow team. She sat on the couch, crying and hugging a pillow, trying to keep it together. She couldn't, it was too hard, tears kept welling up in her eyes. Then her phone started ringing. She picked it up with trembling hands. There was a picture of Oliver, it was him ringing. A huge relief came over her and she was so glad that he had called. He was the one person she really wanted to talk to because she knew that Oliver knew her better than anyone and she always knew that deep in her heart. She said "Hello Oliver" in a sad voice, trying to keep it together. Oliver paused, sensing that something was wrong. He answered with concern in his voice, "Hi Felicity, are you okay.... what's wrong? You can tell me". Felicity wiped the tears from her eyes and said "Oliver, I am having so much trouble getting on with my life after what happened with Havenrock. I wish I could have stopped the bomb. When you recruited a new team member who was a survivor of Havenrock, it brought back memories of what I had done. I killed his family and..". "Felicity, please stop talking", Oliver said in a concerned voice. This is not your fault, you had no other choice and you couldn't divert it to anywhere else. You saved millions of lives and you have done so much good for this city and for me. You have changed my life for the better. I will always love you. I care about you, and I will always care about you".

Felicity was so touched by his words and she knew in her heart that he meant every word. He had changed her life too. He opened up her heart in a way she didn't even know was possible. She sat on the couch, taking in every word Oliver had said to her. She asked him, "Can you please come over? I really need you right now. I don't want to spend another night alone without you". "I will do anything for you Felicity", Oliver answered in a soft calming voice. "I will always be there for you Felicity, I will be right over".
Oliver went over to the drawer where he kept his car keys in the foundry, turned all of the computers off and the lights, except for one so he could see where he was going. He proceeded up the stairs to the door and locked the door behind him. He walked to the parking lot, unlocked his car and drove off as fast as he could to Felicity's house.

Along the way, thoughts started to creep into Oliver's mind that he wasn't good enough, that he was a monster and sick inside and not worthy of Felicity. It was getting too much for him and overcoming him so he put on some music to shut out his thoughts and try and think of Felicity. It didn't work. Prometheus had damaged him in more ways than the island had. He didn't know if it was a good idea to go and visit Felicity because of his current state. He felt broken and heartbroken, but then he started to remember what Felicity had told him about all of the good things he had done. How he had changed and become better and did a good job as the Green Arrow protecting Star City. He made a good team leader, and he knew that Felicity believed in him and would never stop believing in him. She loved him so much and she needed him right now.

He finally arrived at her house parked the car outside, locked it and walked up to the door and rang the door bell. Felicity asked, "Who is it?". "It's me, Oliver", Oliver answered and Felicity opened the door so glad to see him. Oliver walked into the room and put his keys on the table and went over to Felicity and sat down with her on the couch. He began to speak to her, but Felicity just sat there looking into his eyes then moved closer to him until her lips were inches away from his face. Oliver looked back at her with so much love in his eyes. Their lips met, slowly at first, then more and more. Then clothes were flying everywhere, all over the floor. They both continued to savour each others' lips as they held each other in their arms, exploring each others' bodies and finally making it to the bed. Oliver gently laid Felicity down on the bed and kissed her neck with so much love like nothing else mattered except her. This caused Felicity to arc, as she felt a sexual feeling all over her body, running down to her legs then her feet. As Oliver continued to kiss every part of her body he felt a strong sexual feeling all through his body. He entered her, every move executed with so much care and love for her. After, they both fell asleep in each other arms.

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