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The man lay on the ground unconcious and bleeding because the gun had gone off while Oliver fought to get it off him, Oliver wipped the sweat from his forehead and stood up sirens of police cars sounded outside the queen's house 🏡 Oliver stood waiting for them detective Lance walked in with a serious look on his face, and looked at Oliver and asked what happened Oliver cleared his throat and looking at Lance said it was self defence the man came into my house and tried to kill me, Lance froze for a second then we'll that's good then cause I would have booked you for murder he waited till the detectives arrived and took the body away then walked out the door and closed it firm behind him. Oliver breathed a sigh of relief and sat down. Felicity opened the door of her room and walked out slowly looking around with a gun pointed in the air making sure it was safe to come out she looked in every corner then came to the main area of the house and saw the intruder had been taken away, then she saw Oliver sitting down alone on the couch feeling helpless not knowing what to do he had his head in his hands Felicity approached him, slowly walking she sat down next to him and put her hand on his back and looked at him hey what's wrong Oliver? he slowly turned his head facing her I don't know how to keep our family safe it feels like everything I do I fail a tear fell down his cheek Felicity looked at him lovingly and wiped away his Oliver you need to stop blaming yourself it's not your fault you only do what is needed to keep our family safe, Oliver looked at Felicity lovingly and placed his hands on her cheeks and said you always see the best Felicity smiled a little and you have given my life purpose, Oliver looked back at Felicity with so much love and smiled and you opened up my heart in ways I never thought were even possible, he kissed her softly on the lips she kissed him back softly feeling his soft lips against hers she kissed him more and he did the same he picked her up and carried her to her room holding her steadily he laid her gently on the bed and took off his shoes and laid on top of Felicity kissing her more as she kissed him back they fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning Felicity woke up and straight to the bathroom and vomited she felt so sick argh she cried a little Oliver woke up and went to the bathroom and knocked on the door and said with a concerned tone Felicity are you okay? Felicity answered sickly and with tears in her eyes I will be  my love I'm just, vomits again then washes her mouth out Oliver knocks sloftly on the door may I come in he asks yes you may my love Felicity answers '' he opens the door and goes over to Felicity and stokes her back holding her hair back as she leans over the toilet seat to vomit again then she stops and says im sorry oliver she cries he replies hey its olay Felicity im here he helps her up and carries her to the bedroom and lays down next to her stroking her hair Felicity relaxes and slowly closes her eyes Oliver continued stroking her hair then suddenly Felicity's phone rang she turned around and slowly  picked up her phone and answered hello in a soft voice, Hi Felicity it's Doctor Schwartz with your test results Oh Hi Schwartz oh great thank you Schwartz replied your welcome and you are pregnant Felicity stopped speaking for a minute oliver looked at her concerned felicity shed a tear and said thank you doctor and she hung up the phone and turned around looking at Oliver happy and smiling with tears in her eyes Oliver looking back at her smiling and saying we are going to give our children the best life possible and a safer star city Oliver looked at Felicity wondering why she said children and then he asked her and said you said Children? she nodded her head I'm pregnant she said smiling with a tear then Oliver put his hands on Felicity's face and then she moved closer to Oliver's face and just inches away from his lips she draws closer and kisses him softly Oliver kisses her back gently wrapping his arm around her his hand on her butt rubbing it softly kissing her as she kisses him back deeply and passionately and moans a little kissing him more deeply then they lay down in each other's arms then Oliver slowly gets up and goes to the kitchen to make coffee for him and Felicity he quietly walks into the kitchen and makes two coffees, humming away as he makes them he finishes making them and goes back into the bedroom and gives Felicity her coffee and goes around to the other side of the bed and sits down and sips his coffee smiles at Felicity feeling so blessed to have her in his life, they both finish their coffee and look at each other and smile, then they kiss each other softly. Then time goes by and Star City becomes too dangerous to live so Oliver and Felicity have to leave they find a cabin in the woods away from everyone and they begin a new life Felicity's belly is growing bigger Oliver does everything to make sure her and their baby are healthy, and he lays in bed and rubs Felicity's belly talking to their baby Felicity loves hearing him do that and rubbing her pregnant belly and watching her belly grow bigger and bigger.

Oliver is finding it hard to get rid of Saul he was causing alot to havock in Star City he was killing innocent people and drugging them and torturing them in horrible ways and threatening his family so the only way he could stop him was to hand himself in and go to prison and tell everyone that he is the green arrow but he had to tell Felicity first what was going on because he didn't want to keep any secrets from her because he had made a promise to her already that he would never lie to her again, he sat in the waiting room waiting to hear some news on his friend Jim the detective who had saved his life a number of times and had come to believe that he was doing the best for Star City and that he wanted to save it and the protect the people in it, Jim had been shot in the line of duty by Saul, while Oliver was waiting for news on him he heard someone walk in the door it was Felicity she was coming to visit Jim too and see how he was doing she saw Oliver sitting in the waiting room with his head down feeling sad and then he looked up and saw Felicity walking towards him, he was so relieved to see her she sat down next to him and asked hey are you okay? he looked up at her and said no Felicity there is something that I need to tell you, he paused for a minute and Felicity looked at him a little worried okay what is it? Oliver took a deep breath and said well because of all of the havock Saul has caused in Star City the only way to stop him is to go to prison, Felicity looked at him with worry and tears in her eyes she answered no Oliver there is another way I know someone who can help us get rid of Saul she is a good friend of mine and I have known her for so long, Oliver kept his eyes on her listening to everything she said then he answered we need to do this right now before the fbi turn up to take me away to prison, Felicity answered I will get onto right away she dials her friends number and waits for her to answer then she hacks into the Fbi database and takes away all of the false evidence against Oliver and exposes Saul and everything he is doing to the city and the people, she types away really fast and publishes all of the evidence all over the FBI site and the media, Oliver sees it all over the TV and is so relieved and thank full to Felicity for saving him yet again, he sat in the hospital anxiously waiting on news about Jim, then the nurse came out with a sad look on her face, she said I am so sorry Mr Queen but we did everything we could he didn't make it I am so sorry Oliver looked at her with tears in his eyes, he sat down again and cried so hard into his hands then he dialed Felicity's number and waited for her to answer his hands trembling Felicity l


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