Finding Rachel

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Oliver awoke from his sleep, suddenly jumping up out of bed from a bad dream, relieved it was just a dream,then he turned and looked at Felicity laying on her pillow sound asleep with her blonde hair laying down the side of her face, Oliver looked at her with love in his eyes and gently stroked her cheek, then laid down next to her and kissed her lips lightly, and whispered I love you Felicity with all of my heart, Felicity moved a little then moaned, then awoke to Oliver's lips right next to hers, then Oliver slowly moved closer to her touching her lips then slowly kissing her with such tenderness Felicity kissing him back with so much passion laying on top of him and running her hands down his body, savouring each kiss then they made love to each other with so much love in their hearts. Then morning came, and Oliver's alarm went off at 8am because he needed to get up to go to a meeting with the councillors about a project he was working on and also finding out more information about where his daughter is being held captive by a very bad man named Jason, Oliver was determined to get him this time once and for all, but he knew he needed Felicity's help to take him down, and he knew that she was the best at it he also wanted to get his daughter because he loved her so much and he missed holding her and seeing her smile and laugh a tear ran down his eye as he pictured her face laughing and smiling, he finally finished the mayor meeting then he headed straight to the arrow cave where it was located in the same spot behind verdant he put in the code and walked briskly down the stairs and saw Felicity siting at the computer babbling as usual and tracking down Jason as quickly as possible, cause she really wanted her daughter Emily back in her arms, Oliver came straight over to where Felicity was sitting walking briskly and quickly up the step and on to the round platform in the middle of the arrow cave and just before he got to her he said so Felicity honey what have you found so far? in a soft voice that he only spoke for her, Felicity jumped a little feeling a bit startled she turned around and in her chair to face Oliver, and looked into his eyes with so much love, and took his hands in her hers as she stood up and faced him and then said well my love I have located Jason and I asked Curtis to put a bug in his house so we can track his every move inside the house and when he is outside we are so close to getting our daughter back Oliver, as a little tear ran down her face of happiness,Oliver looking back at her with happiness too and said I am so proud of you, and you are the best Felicity, with a smile of happiness and so much love in his heart, he kissed her softly on the lips holding her face in his hands. Then he slowly let her go and went over to the corner of the arrow cave where his bike was parked, first he put on his suit then grabbed his bow and hopped on the motorbike but first turned his com and said in his Arrow voice Overwatch can you hear me? loud and clear Felicity replied, as she continued typing away tracking Jason, that's good Oliver answered in his deep voice, but softly spoken for Felicity only , let's find this guy and get our daughter back once and for all,yes honey Felicity answered I believe in you Oliver said we can do this then he rode off out of the arrow cave and onto to the main road heading straight for Jasons's house to where he was holding his daughter and communicating with Felicity along the way turn left Felicity said now turn right and Jason's house is on the left, Oliver rode as fast as he could and got there just in time just as Jason was coming out the door with his daughter, Oliver came up screeching his tyres to a stop and stopping in front of Jason to block his path then stepping off his motorcycle drawing his bow and arrow and in an angry deep voice said don't move Jason or I will put an arrow through you, Jason stopped freaked out and frozen as his legs began to trembling but he was trying really hard to hide it and acting tough and mean, but he couldn't hide it and he had no where to go because Oliver had called back up Diggle had the van parked blocking his way too and Curtis and Black Canary standing on the other side of him ready to take him down, Oliver moving closer to him then he said put the baby down now, trembling even more Jason knew he had no escape put Oliver's daughter down on the ground then Diggle jumped out of the van and ran and grabbed Oliver and Felicity's daughter as Oliver shot an arrow hitting Jason on the heart and then jumping on his motorcycle then telling Felicity we have our daughter back and Jason is gone I'm on my way home Felicity was so relieved and happy tears rolling down her eyes replying yes I knew we could do this Green Arrow she called him that in case anyone heard her, Oliver rode back to the arrow cave as fast as he could Diggle had already made it there with Rachel and he opened the arrow cave door walked down the stairs and went over to Felicity, where she was sitting at the computer she heard footsteps and turned around and saw Diggle coming towards her really happy with Rachel in his arms as Oliver arrived in the arrow cave on his motorcycle, parking it quickly and then walking briskly over to Felicity who was hugging her daughter, with tears in her eyes and then Oliver put his arms around her and kissing her softly then hugging Rachel with happiness so happy to finally have all of his beautiful family together.

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