This time, Kanan took the offensive, mentally calling on the force to aid him, and charged, moving too fast for him to register anything he saw. He let go, relying on the force, letting instinct take over.
Thrust, parry, slice. Thrust, parry, slice. The moves came naturally, and he let this guide him. Relaxing slightly that his new tactic was succeeding, he drew back slightly, then gave it all he had. The Sith Lord gaped, not expecting that, before letting out a surprised yell as Hera nailed him in the shoulder.
The Sith Lord teetered backwards, and Kanan saw his chance. A cold sliver of anger danced down his spine. Suddenly, he felt cold. It was like his mind was frozen, watching through different eyes. Not pausing, he saw himself run the Sith through, his contorted face locked in a grimace. The Sith froze, mouth flopping open and limbs going slack, he fell backwards over the edge and into the abyss.
Crushed Dreams
Short StoryYay! I had my first Star Wars Rebels dream! I don't even know when this is placed, except before the rebellion, and....durning the Clone Wars? During the future? AU for A New Dawn? The times don't exaaaactly add up (the story has Kanan, Jedi, Master...