chapter seventeen

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'It's tragic, what happened to the curious cat. Wouldn't you agree Amal?'

My breath hitched.

My heart sank down to my stomach and jumped right back to my throat before settling down on its normal position. My whole world crumbled in front of me. Metaphorically speaking of course.

As I heard that voice from behind me I knew it was over, everything is over. I am caught and this will be the end, all my effort has gone to waste. I couldn't help but wonder what my fate will be, what will happen to me now that I am caught? They will probably kill me, I mean let's face it, I am a spy. From the little knowledge I have from watching espionage movies is if you get caught, you get killed. So basically I am a dead woman standing.

'Why don't you be a dear and hand over the documents.' I turned around and my eyes locked on Sardat's. He knew all along! He might have set me up and I fell for it. Ya Allah, I did not see that coming, how could I be so stupid, everything was planned from the very beginning. He knew.

'I must say you are quite the brave one Amal, you see I always knew there was more to you than you let on. You are not the innocent girl everybody thought you were, there's something about you that doesn't quite sit well with your attitude.' Sardat said looking straight into my eyes as he walked extremely slowly towards me and I felt my legs start to tremble. This is it, he is going to kill me and nobody will know what, Najeeb would. Yes! Najeeb they are seeing this, everything. They will save me.

Sardat reached where I stood and he extended his hands towards me without breaking contact.

'Hand it over.' His voice sounded cold, I have never heard him use that tone, it was as if he was a different person. His command sounded deadly and it left no room for argument.

I handed over the documents with trembling hands. i hated how my fingers betrayed me, showing the assassin a sign of weakness, that is un called for! Treacherous fingers. I always thought I was a strong woman, there was a time when Feedy and I turned our kitchen into a massive mess, we wanted to make steaks. Everything was perfect up until we put it into the oven to cook. We were never really good with estimating so it turns out the heat was too much for the steaks and they got burnt! The kitchen was a total disaster, and the stupid smoke alarm went off! Mum was furious that she locked both of us in our room and she flogged the stubborn jinn out of us. But I did not even flinch! You have to give me some credit here, Mum's beatings were spectacular.

I am a very strong woman indeed.

But in this case, I highly doubt that. Here I was in front of a maniac and I don't feel strong, not even a little. I was just a weak scared girl waiting for her pending death. I hated feeling weak. Sardat took the document while still holding my eyes hostage, after the most excruciating ten seconds, he finally came to realise my eyes were not that good looking and decided to turn his gaze towards the documents. He skimmed through them and looked up once again. My heartbeat increased, why do I suddenly feel hot in here? The air condition is still working for Allah's sake! Maish really need to work on the welfare of his office. It just needs servicing!

Or is it just my nerves?

'Amal dear, you don't really expect me to believe you did all this alone without any help whatsoever. No offence but I highly doubt you can make it here without getting caught unless of course you had help, a guide maybe?' he smiled at me. This man is really evil! He just smiled at me but I swear I felt hundreds of spiders crawling on my skin, his smile was sinister.

'You see, you can play dumb with me but I seriously advice against that because you and I know how this is going to end. So why don't you save us the trouble and hand over the communicator.'

I was at a loss for words; well there is no point in arguing since he seems to know what he's doing. I reluctantly brought out the little device I had in my ears where a few minutes ago, was a means of communication with Najeeb and the team out there and handed it over to the devious man standing only few steps away from me. He assessed them with keen interest and looked back at me again.

'I am no electrical engineer, but I know this device looks sophisticated and portable, surely you can get that from any federal agencies but I doubt someone like you is working with the government judging by the lack of training and obvious foolishness, then that leaves a private organization that is well equipped to work with these sort of devices seeing the scanner you used is a new edition maybe 2016 tops. The organization must be rich to purchase this things unless they are the ones making them, which in that case will mean you are not here alone and with the type of technology this is, they can easily track you.' As he came to that realisation he threw it on the floor and smashed it with his foot.

So much for my escape.

I stared at him wide eyed and my mouth agape. This man was very smart. I redirected my gaze to him and he gave me that sinister smile, I hate that smile!

'You must be pretty smart to figure all this out.' I manage to utter my first sentence after all this while. I was pretty shocked to even form a coherent sentence. But seeing this man and he's actions I couldn't help but be flabbergasted. He is very impressive I might add.

He looked taken aback by my compliment and his eyes went wide before he burst out laughing, he laughed a lot before he controlled his laughter and managed to look me in the eye still trying to conceal a smile. Impressive and really strange! A strange assassin he was.

'Why, thank you Amal, I never expected a compliment for my actions, I am flattered.

'As much as I will love to chat and continue with the pleasantries, unfortunately I'd rather we get on to the important stuff like who you work for? What you intend to do with this valuable documents? And what not, wouldn't you agree?'

He smiled at me and took out his phone from his pocket, he dialled a number and waited for the recipient to answer the call. My heartbeat increased twice and the heat I was feeling intensified.

'Assalam brother, I seem to have a little problem here I will really do with your presence here. I am in boss's office.' He hung up and I wondered if the poor guy had the opportunity to respond because the phone call really sounded like a one way conversation. And then it hit me, he said brother! Hameed!!! Hameed is coming.

While I knew this day was coming and I had to face him while the truth comes out, I wasn't ready. What will I say? Or rather, what will he say? I know I shouldn't be dwelling on things like this but I am. I know our life ended when I found that paper, but there was a part of me that wasn't ready to let go, because I still loved the assassin. Everything blowing up now only meant one thing; my life has come to an end...officially.

But what bothers me the most is what I will come to find out when our parts crossed, now that everything is out in the open. Most importantly, finding out the cruel truth, that he never really loved me. 

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