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Assalamu alaikum
Good day dear readers. I am so deliriously happy to see that we've actually reached 1k. I know to some it might not be a big deal, but to me it is!!
Alhamdulillah for this and for every good things that happened to me. Unfortunately, I am having a very, very bad writers block. I cannot even look at my laptop! I just feel hatred for my sweet baby. Anyways I will like to ask a favor of you all, to keep on supporting me in this, keep on voting and commenting.
And I seem to be thorn with something that I actually need your advice. As you all know, I am a very terrible lazy writer. *disappointed* there's so much more to Amal's story and I want to know if you will prefer a sequel. I personally would like to split it in two, though, the second part might not be based solely on her. It will be a story on its own but still talks about them. So what do you think? A sequel or nay???.
Thank you all and I will really appreciate it if you give me your sincerest opinion on this, including all those silent readers.* evil eye*

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