Chapter twenty-five

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'Sometimes I wonder where the hell you got the knowledge of map-reading, you are terrible just so terrible'. Najeeb whisper-yelled, as he unfortunately bumped into a huge rock that lay hidden on the ground.

'I'm so sorry boss I really thought that was the route to the tunnel, but no matter, you shall find your hidden passage right about now...maybe.' Nolan muttered under his breath, he knew how frustrated Najeeb was and him being uncertain isn't helping.

'maybe? What do you mean by maybe?'

'well I mean I am not certain but you should try it out though, if it turns out the route is not the right one then feel free to skin me alive but if it turns out to be the passage to safety then by all means feel free to give me a promotion I mean dude working down there is a death sentence, you should see Christina when she sends her terrifying glare all morning. I sometimes wonder what she takes for breakfast; someone should not be that sour early morning! Don't get me started on Trevor, the guy is so into me, I know I am very handsome but seriously he of all people should know that I am straight as a pencil, no offence but really!!' Nolan said exasperated.

Amidst Nolan's ranting, Najeeb finally stepped onto something and he immediately halted his steps as he looked down, he moved back an inch and knelt down on the floor scrutinising the place where his foot landed. Najeeb brushed up the dirt and sand that helped in disguising what was truly there, he gently tapped on the metal as he heard it echo, he gently put his ear to it so he could detect any noise whatsoever but everything was so silent. He knew this has to be something, or the secret passage they've been looking for, the way to get Amal back.

'Shh, I think I've got something'. Najeeb cut off his friend from his never ending blabbering; he never fails to anger him, what makes him think he was the least interested in his so called discomfort!

Najeeb traced his fingers along the surface of the mysterious metal that he stepped on and he noticed the edges where pretty rusty. No doubt the route has not been used for a long time, if it has ever been used that is. He grabbed the handle and tried to pry it open but the cursed metal didn't budge. Najeeb was getting anxious by the minute and the damned metal is proving to be difficult. After so much grunting and cursing, he finally succeeded in opening it and much to his disappointment he happened to stumble into yet another metal that needed opening. Well whoever said being a hero was easy!



How could they? How heartless can they possibly be? To kill an innocent child, an unborn innocent child is very heartless but killing his unborn child is no doubt a very foolish move. Even to them, they can't possibly be that irrational. Hameed kept pacing around thinking of what he heard earlier, but what was unsettling was the fact that they actually dare kill his child. No matter how hard he thought of it he un-doubtfully thinks they cannot possibly be that stupid, he is Hameed after all, the most ruthless and terrifying assassin who set foot on face of earth. Surely no one will dare cross him so. Hameed thought of his broken angel, the look in her eyes broke his heart into pieces, he did that to her, it was his entire fault that they lost their baby. He had never felt pain for a very long time, he was the one who brought pain into people's lives but when he looked into those eyes and saw her pain, he felt it like an arrow struck in his heart, he will surely make them realise the error of their ways, a very huge understatement that was.

Hameed finally left his abode and headed for the assassin headquarter to get answers to his questions and possibly a very good reason why they felt it necessary to poke on his wrath. He barged into the office and all eyes turned on him.

'is it true? Do you have something to do with the miscarriage?' he ignored the strange stares he got from the people in there as he went straight to Maish. The poor man was the head of the assassins but there was no doubt in everyone's mind that Hameed can be very appalling, but that will be another huge understatement because when his anger is directed at you, the victim will surely become history. So when Hameed barged in looking angry as ever, Maish whom the anger is directed at started trembling.

'Well ofcourse n..not, can you even think that? This m...meeting is adjourned gentlemen as I have a very serious matter to attend to.' Maish managed to utter, if this conversation is heading where he thinks it is, there was no need to humiliate him any further. As the assassins scurried away muttering something under their breaths, Maish turned to a very fuming Hameed whose gaze has not faltered not once, he was like a predator watching his prey as he plan to attack. He gulped and stood up as he came closer to Hameed.

'Calm down son, whatever we did was necessary. The child will be a distraction to the mission; you are straying from the mission as it is we don't need another. You have to focus, kill the father and leave, she is not part of your life, she is just a mission Hameed, you will have to leave her soon but that will be difficult when you have a child. Assassins are not meant for this kind of life son. I'm sorry but it was for the best.'

'For the best? Ha! You didn't just say that to me'. Hameed said rubbing his temple. He took calculated steps towards Maish and closed the distance between them, he looked straight into his eyes as he said the words that sent shivers down the poor man's spine.

'you certainly did not think that decision through, no matter, just as you took my happiness away from me, be rest assured that I will return the favour and just when you think you can finally be happy, I will be here to snatch it away from you. The little happiness you have left in your miserable life, I promise you will vanish into thin air. Just as I am Hameed the ruthless, merciless, deadliest assassin on the face of earth, you will know no peace. Do not fret, it is for the best.'

With that he left will a new mission in mind, but unlike the former, he will definitely see this through. Maish watched the assassin's retreating form and he released the breath he never knew he was holding. Maish was no fool, as Hameed said those words it was crystal clear the meaning behind the threat. This is war and he most definitely will win it no matter what. The prodigal son does not know what he's in for. He picked out his phone and quickly dialled a number, after the third ring, the call was answered and he stated his command like the leader he was, the head of the assassins.

'alpha...alpha...code: kill mission.

Hameed on sight, shoot to kill.'


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