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     "Welcome to College Françoise Dupont, Marinette. I'm your homeroom teacher, and the French, poetry and literacy teacher at this establishment." Ms. Bustier said in a formal greeting, more formal than it needs to be. "So, I want some students to help Marinette out until she figures the ways around this school. Who would care to volunteer?" Ms. Bustier asked in the class. No one raised their hand, I guess this school has a bunch of lazy teenagers.
     Suddenly, a small opening from the door opened slightly, as Adrien Agreste, every girl's crush entered the room quietly. Too bad he sat right in the front. "Adrien, what is your excuse now?" Ms. Bustier asked cutting the mannerism and turned front out annoyed.
     "Ms. Bustier, I understand that I'm late, but it was for a good reason." Adrien argued. It was evident that there wasn't actually a good reason for why he was late. Adrien Agreste wasn't exactly famous for being nice. Ms. Bustier sighed, rubbing her temples. With Chloe in the same room who somehow has connects to everyone and their mother, it was hard to punish the boy she admired. Chloe was like a visible shield for Adrien, which sometimes wasn't a positive thing for both sides. It was clear that Adrien never really liked her from the start of their friendship, even though Chloe would take bullets for him in an instant- it was sad and disappointing.
     "Fine, but don't think a punishment is not off the table." Ms. Bustier reminded. Adrien mumbled a little seriously? To Adrien, a punishment was worse than a detention, mostly because a punishment is such a general term. At this point, Ms. Bustier could do anything to him, and Chloe wouldn't even have a clue to what it was. Chloe wasn't the brightest light bulb in the box, for sure.
     "Okay, what's the punishment?" Adrien asked with hesitation, putting his bag on his desk. He sat next to his best friend who just couldn't keep his laughter inside his own mouth.
     "I want you to tour around the new student, Marinette." She glanced  at Marinette who was standing idly. "Until she has a hold of everything, I want you to be her guide."
     Adrien nodded slowly, sitting down on his seat, obviously pissed. He didn't want to take care of some new student who was clueless enough to not know where the lunchroom was. But he had too. If his father ever found out of his second detention of his high school career, he was sure that he would lose the privilege to go to public school because 'public school was a bad influence' or whatever that meant.
     "Marinette, you can go sit down." Ms. Bustier said flashing a smile and going back to her desk to get some papers. Marinette exchanged with a smile and looked around the classroom. It was big, yet small, yet lonely, yet full. There were empty seats next to people, but she wasn't sure if she was welcomed. She didn't think through if she wanted to sit alone or with a person. 
     "Ms. Bustier, we didn't hear her say a word." Chloe asked, confused about her 'introduction.' Surely enough, Ms. Bustier also didn't hear a word that came from Chloe, so she continued to file the papers.
     "Sabrina, she can't even hear me." Chloe scoffed, crossing her arms to her chest. 
     Marinette sat in the back of the class since no one sat in the back in the direction of left. Marinette opened her bag and fumbled with her belongings until she found the book she was continuing to read. The book didn't have a franchise that followed it like the Hunger Games, but at the same time it wasn't completely unnoticed. Marinette enjoyed reading new books that only had one story to it and that was it. If it had more than one book to the plot, she never followed up. Marinette wasn't sure to why she acted like that towards those types of books, maybe it was attachment issues? Marinette looked around, the homeroom's mood wasn't awkward and stuffy, it was only her.
     Marinette continued to read the book, pretty much quiet as it goes, the book was pretty eventful. Suddenly, the bell rang in and there went the students, but Adrien stayed. Marinette didn't think much of it, maybe it was just 'cause Ms. Bustier was his next class. Marinette took a glance at her paper, remembering the room number and teacher surname name. Suddenly as Marinette went to the door, Adrien stood up and walked besides her. "I'm helping you, right?" Adrien asked going a few steps ahead of Marinette. She nodded, and began to follow Adrien with hesitation.
     "What's your next class?" Adrien asked as Marinette handed him her paper. He scanned the sheet for about ten seconds and grabbed his phone to snap a picture of it. "You don't talk much, right?" Adrien asked handing the paper. Marinette shrugged. "Oh, so I guess you're a bit shy." Adrien suggested. He was trying to get along with her, but at this point, her attitude was getting on his nerves. One more half-assed response from her would push his buttons, and a second detention would look so much better right now. "So why don't you talk?" Adrien asked. He was obviously confused on why Marinette acted the way she did. 
     Adrien's eyes widened, pausing at this tracks. "Wait-wait are you- are you... mute?" His question gained the attention from nearby students that were near them. "O-oh my. I'm so so sorry I didn't know. Are you okay, do you ne-" Adrien was soon shut up with a mouth to the hand.
     "I'm good, just tired and jetlagged." Marinette said, suppressing her small laughter. Adrien seemed to be so resilient and quiet, but his freakout was a breath of fresh air to his school. Adrien caught his breath, and flashed a grinned. 
     "That's good, sorry for freaking out on you earlier. I'll buy you lunch to make it up, you should come sit with my friends Nino and Alya. they're nice." Adrien offered. 
     "Really? I appreciate your offer." 
     "Yeah of course. I'll come pick you up after this class to help you with your other classes." 
     "Why?" Marinette was shocked, maybe even a little struck. 
     "Isn't it obvious? I can get out of class like five minutes earlier and not get in trouble."
     "Oh, haha." Marinette laughed quietly, obviously a little put off by the situation. Maybe Adrien wasn't as good as she thought he was for a good two seconds. 
     "Oh shoot, I'm gonna run to class or I'll actually need to through a detention." Before Marinette could say anything, she saw the boy run across the halls, getting a few girls' attention that it was nobody's business.  
     Just before the bell rang, Adrien swiftly entered Mr. Bell's history room with a little line of sweat and some short breath. "Dude, you were so close to getting a beating from Bell." Nino laughed, congratulating him in an odd way. 
     "Yeah, I know. I was helping the new girl. She's not bad she seems nice. She was kinda getting on my nerves at first actually, all she did was nodd. She's sitting with us during lunch by the way. It'll show Bustier that I'm nice too. Might get me out of this punishment too." 
     "Wow, you're smart for once Adrien!" Adrien rolled his eyes. 
     "Shut it, Nino. You don't even know the difference from a cat to a dog." Nino shrugged. 
     "At least I know I'm dumb. It doesn't hurt me, my Adrien boy!" He laughed. Although Adrien meant how stupid Nino was, Nino was his best friend and he knew his boundaries. 
     "This will be fun." 


A/N: hi! so i'm actually trying to keep my promise and edit and revise my work cause damn it STANK!!! I hope you all read this version, but don't worry it won't be too different. Just enough for me not to literally slap myself across the face for deciding to write this and then PUBLISH IT. It wasn't as bad as I thought but I know it'll literally only get worse so *clown*. 

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