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  ~lunch period~

          "So, how do you like the school, so far?" Adrien asked eating a sausage piece from his lunch. "It's good." Marinette mumbled. "Hey, at least you're talking!" Adrien smiled. "Yeah, but I can only mumble." Marinette sighed playing with her straw. "Well, something smaller leads to something bigger, right? Adrien said sipping some water. "I suppose." Marinette said smiling for a split second. "I-is it normal that... everyone is looking at this table?" Marinette asked looking at the loop of continues glares at marinette. "Yeah." Adrien laugh. "Why don't people ask to sit with you if you're so popular?" Marinette asked staring at a tomato. "I guess I'm popular, but I have trust issues, and I don't think they have enough courage to ask me, or something." Adrien muttered sighing at the end. "If you have trust issues, why am I trusted?" Marinette laughed. The sound of Marinette laughing made Adrien blush for a split second. "I-I don't know. I feel like I can trust you. Haha." Adrien laugh awkwardly stuffing another piece of meat in his mouth.

          The amount of glares Marinette got was unlimited. Chloe obviously glared at her every way if she passed her in the hallways. "Probably his fangirls." Marinette mumbled as she fumbled with her locker. "What are you doing?" Adrien asked sneaking behind Marinette. "Jesus, you scared me." Marinette said getting a breather. "Oh haha." Adrien laughed, helping Marinette with her locker. Adrien was about one head above Marinette, so he basically was over her, helping her with her locker, as Marinette was basically tucked in. "What is your next class?" Adrien asked opening the locker. "Honors English." Marinette replied tucking the piece of paper back into her pocket. "Oh cool. I have honors English as well. What a coincidence." Adrien snickered getting his English books from this locker. "No one sits next me in english as well, so you can sit there if you want." Adrien said as Marinette closed her locker door. "Yeah, sure. Thanks Adrien." Marinette said fumbling again with her lock. "I see you're not talented with locks, I suppose." Adrien said helping Marinette once again. "Isn't everyone." Marinette said eyeing a student who was struggling with her locker as well. Adrien took a glimpse at the student, and with her glasses, she obviously blushed a deep red. "Probably one of his fangirls." Marinette thought laughing. "What's so funny?" Adrien asked eyeing Marinette. "Haha, nothing. Let's go to ms. Bustier's." Marinette mumbled as Adrien led the way.

~after school~

          "So how was your first day of school, Marinette?" Adrien asked as Marinette finally opened her locker. "It was fairy good." Marinette sighed. "Kind of tired, though." Marinette yawned. "I understand. I fucking hate school." Adrien mumbled. "Isn't everyone?" Marinette asked as she caught a smile from Adrien in the corner of her eye. "Why don't the girls just ask you already?" Marinette asked as she closed her locker. Adrien tilted his head, confused by her question.

          "I mean, why don't girls just ask you for a date or something. I mean, they clearly have a crush on you." Marinette said rolling her eyes at Adrien with his oblivious confusion. "Meh." Adrien said as he put his arms around the back of his neck. "I'm just thinking that every girl will fight if I pick someone else." Adrien said sighing. "Besides, I don't like any of them, I can imagine them being really clingy." Adrien said as he held his bag carelessly. "I can see that." Marinette said as she shifted her eyes at all the girls who glares at her.

          "Have you ever experienced romantic stuff?" Adrien asked as he got his phone out from his bag. "No, but my favorite park has a lot of romantic scenes, so couples usually go there. I got there for preferences if I make something." Marinette said in a bored manner. "Oh, what do you make?" Adrien asked as he finally got his phone out. "Clothes, bags, stuff." Marinette said. "Who got you inspired? Oh and by the way, get your phone out." Adrien said looking at her bag. "Well, it's your dad, and sure." Marinette said getting her phone out.

         "Oh co- wait my dad?!" Adrien asked almost dropping his phone. "Yeah, isn't your dad mr. Agreste?" Marinette said as she got unlocked her phone. "I never knew you knew about my dad." Adrien said frowning. "Adrien, your father is a famous clothing designer. But I figured it out just a few minutes ago because of the last name." Marinette said. "And no, I'm not using you." Marinette said finishing rolling her eyes. "I wasn't going to say that." Adrien said pouting. "Whatever you say, Prince Charming. Okay so why do I need to get my phone out?" Marinette asked.

          "Hand me the phone." Adrien said as Marinette through it at him. "Let's exchange numbers." Adrien replied flashing a smile. "Okay, did it." Adrien said as he through the phone back. Marinette caught it, thank god. "You don't have many contacts." Adrien said examining his contact list. "Yeah, I isolated myself from the other kids, so." Marinette said as she stared at her contact list. "Well I can't do anything about it." Marinette said putting the phone back into her bag. "Well, at least we are friends, right?" Adrien asked nervously putting a smile. "Yeah of course." Marinette said flashing a smile.

Short chapter, sorry lmao.

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