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It was 2:10; and a Friday afternoon. I was so hesitant to get out of this damn room. I was meeting with Marinette after school, and we were doing to play Destiny for the day, gotta be honest; she is way too good. But usually, I totally stare into her eyes as her face was fixed on the screen.

"Mr. Agreste, if you are so anxious to go home, why don't you take some time in detention?" I fixed my eyes on the board. I was done with this class, especially the teacher. "What is the answer for number 54?" He said impatiently, tapping on his foot. "Excuse me." I heard the familar voice before. "Oh, Marinette!" He ran to the door, trying to hug her; I gritted my teeth. "Don't touch me." Marinette glared slapping his arm away. "Anyway, this is a note from the high honor's science teacher." She rolled her eyes; walking away. "Hey." I mouthed, blushing. She winked at me; flashing a small smile as she walked back to the hallway. I blushed furiously, oh my God.

"Anyway, your assignment is to finish the packet that I assigned. "Have a good weekend, kids." He sighed, going back to his desk. "Do you think he is a molester?" A girl behind me giggled. "Probably. But he probably just likes her." She answered back, trying to keep a straight face. "Who are you guys talking about?" I asked, turning around. The two turned red, beet red. Oh, I remember now. They both like me. "Oh, the teacher. He probably has a crush on Marinette, or something." She blushed furiously, twiggling her fingers. "I'm overprotective, so I won't let that happen." I smiled, as I swong the bag behind me, grunting. I swore I saw the girls looked at me, confused.

"Hey, Mari!" I called as I ran to her locker. "Hey." Marinette yawned, shutting her locker. "I'll be right back. Stay here." I replied as she nodded her head. I ran to my locker, ignoring the girls in groups looking at me. "Hey, Adrikins!" I heard that annoying ass voice shout, running to me in her cheerleading outfit. I swear, was she aware of how short that skirt was? My god, wait was they don't even have cheerleading.

"Can I talk to you?" She turned bright red. "Sorry, but I can't. I need to meet up with Marinette." I said fiddling with my locker. "Marinette? B-but I swear, it will be really fast!" She said, trying to argue. "I said that I'm busy right now!" I replied in defense, grunting. "Isn't Marinette that girl who sits with you at lunch? Tell her to leave the table because she obviously doesn't belong there!" Chloe shouted, crossing her arms. Now that, burst my bubble. "Shut the actual fuck, you little bitch. Honestly, you are a kinky slut who doesn't give a damn about anyone, so fucking stop. And I already know what you are going to do. And to answer that, I don't like you. More like hate." I said in frustration, slamming my locker. "B-but I like you!" She screamed, as she started crying. "Like hell I would care." I replied, running off to Marinette.

"Hey!" I smiled, my mood totally changed. "Sup." She replied, swinging her bag. "Fight with Chloe?" Marinette asked, she can read me like an open book. "Well, it was right there. I'm not reading you." See.

"I thought you already knew that Chloe liked you." Marinette responded, tilting her head. "Yeah, I think I caught on with the past eyes flirting and close-try kissing." I mumbled, fumbling with my strapes. "Oh, nice." She reponded so freely, like she didn't even care. My blood boiles when Marinette partners with some guy like Nathaniel or Kim; but when it comes to me, she acts so natural with it.

I bited my lip, as I opened the front doors to leave. I looked down at Marinette, her eyes emotionless as every. "Hey, Marinette!" A girl with browish hair shouted. "Who is she?" I whispered, confused. Marinette strugged. "No clue." She replied, unfazed.

"Hey, I'm Alya!" A cheery girl introduced, blushing red. She looked in my way, completely forgetting about Marinette. Oh, now I get it. Marinette shifted her eyes to the floor, sighing silently. I understood it, and truly it pissed me off. I hated how they would use Marinette so they would get closer to me, bullshit. She, of course was unfazed, but it annoyed me that one; I love her, but two; I'm bestfriends with her.

"Let's go, Marinette. We have to play counter strike." I said, as I grabbed her arm. "W-wait guys! I play... video games too!" Lies. "Sorry, it's only multiplayer, and by multiplayer; only two gamers." I laugh awkwardly. "B-but we can just switch gamers every so ever?" She was trying way to hard. "I'm sorry, but Marinette and I had planned this day together and we would appreciate if it was just us too." I looked at Marinette, motioning her to back me up. She nodded remotely, staring at the floor.

Before 'Alya' could say anything, we ran out. Well, more like me running out and grabbing her; tugging her. She was adorable.

Short chapter, ew only 903 words. Love you all, and thanks for 1.3 reads with only 3-4 chapters! Have a good night!

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