|| eleven ||

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He grabbed Marinette's arm and positioned her to face him. "Is something wron-"

I like you." His voice hitched, cracking up. 


     "Huh" Marinette choked up, pausing in her path. It felt like time was paused, and the only thing that was staying present was both Marinette and Adrien. Marinette barely had the courage to look at Adrien in the eyes, but what else would she do, stare at the floor for a good twenty minutes? Adrien, however practically has his eyes glued to the floor. He was standing idly and innocently, twiddling with his fingers and having a deep blush on his cheeks. Although Adrien was relatively tan, his blush was visibly seen- it was even brighter than Marinette's. After a long ten to fifteen seconds, he finally looked up, exchanging a glance with Marinette. It was finally her turn to show a red face. 
     Adrien grinned from ear to ear, and broke into a laugh. Marinette looked at Adrien with concern, was this all a joke? "What's so funny?" Marinette asked, with a bit of an offensive mindset. Adrien cleared his throat, killing his sudden laughter. 
    "I'm just laughing 'cause of how embarrassed we seem." Adrien said, scratching the back of his neck. Marinette mouthed a little oh, there wasn't anything else to do. Adrien cleared his throat once more, "But I'm being completely serious. To be honest, I've never liked someone before- life's too hectic, you know." Adrien started off. They made it to a bench, and both sat down as if they haven't sat down in twelve hours. Marinette's and even Adrien's legs were shaking, it was scary confessing when standing up. 
     "I, I don't know how to explain why or when, but at the end of the day- I know that I like you. Maybe l-lov-like, but, I- you don-," he stammered, barely coming up with a sentence. Adrien was an actor and a great project presentator- stammering was just something he didn't do. "I-augh, I'm sorry, I'm pathetic I can't even tell you why i like you, I don't know why I'm acting like this, am I wasting your time, sor-" he was soon shut up with a kiss on the lips. It was shocking for both of them, but it was warm and compassionate. It felt comforting, like a warm blanket in a cold winter day when your sick. 
      Marinette laughed awkwardly, "Haha sorry, I didn't get your consent." Adrien paused, confused for a quick second. Adrien began waving his arms furiously, "No! No! Don't think like that," Adrien began looking at the floor again, examining the sidewalk concrete, "I wanted to kiss you first though." He shyly mumbled. This time, Marinette laughed for real, almost to the point of having to hold her stomach cause it hurt so much. 
      "Ah, what a little baby you are." Marinette said, pinching his cheeks. Adrien's eyes widened, standing up almost instantly. 
      "I'm a man!" Marinette nodded and hummed a little 'mhm'. "Wait, Mari," he took a pause, glancing at Marinette with innocent eyes. "Do you accept my confession?" She smiled and nodded, she was going to joke around and say no but at this point- there was no point of that, she did indeed like him either way. 
      "Y-you can't be lying! You can't lie in this situation,, cause that's mean! And even I got feelings too, even though I'm a douchebag sometimes!" 
     "I understand, Agreste. And I like you too, so." Marinette took a glance at her phone, it was five minutes to eight pm. 
    "Shoot, time is calling me back home." Marinette said, laughing. 
    "Wait! Wait, your home is right there!" Adrien begged, giving his best approach on the puppy eye look. Marinette sighed and patted his shoulder. 
    "Sorry, Adrien. Time is ticking." Marinette faked a sigh, seeming concern.
    "Fine, but then I'm picking you up tomorrow, you got it? Come out of the house by 7:40, I want to introduce as Adrien Agreste's girlfriend as soon as possible." he grinned, still blushing. Marinette giggled and was jittery, it was a weird feeling all at once. They began walking to her house, both being smiling and optimistic messes. They got back to the house quicker than they wanted, but the lengths of their legs wanted otherwise. 
     "I'm going in," she said, opening the door, "thanks for taking me back home." 
     "Yeah of course. Call me whenever your bored or want to talk or need help. I'll try to be there as much as possible." Marinette nodded, stepping in the door. "Wait," Adrien said pausing Marinette. "I forgot something," Adrien got closer to Marinette and placed a small soft kiss on Marinette's kiss. Before Marinette could say anything, Adrien waved a small wave of a hand and got into his black car.
      Marinette felt her cheeks, it was bright red, and felt like Dubai. She was Adrien's girlfriend, France's dream boy. It felt exhilarating, but at the same time she couldn't comprehend how Adrien could have fell in love with a type of simple girl like her. She couldn't even do simple tasks without thinking of him the whole night. Doing homework, eating dinner, watching tv, reading, designing, sleeping and even brushing her teeth. Damn, she was head over heels for him. 


A/N: people who are reading this, the drought is over! lust is finally active! I wonder who'll even read this after being left on read for a good year or two, but I'm back baby!

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