|| eight ||

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| adrien |
I growled. It was a perfect day. The weather was estimated near 60 degrees, and it was near the spring/summer vibe. Marinette looked two times cuter today, and she even invited me to eat with her. Why out of all days was Chloe here?

          I could see her caked makeup and yellow sunshine clothes running to marinette and I. "Adrikins!" Chloe shouted, as she managed to come here without tripping, which honestly, I wanted to see her trip- as she came to us with a smile. That smile like she did nothing wrong and everything in this world was pure.

          "H-hey Chloe." I said with uncertainty. "Hey adrien! Guess you haven't seen my messages today, right?" She laughed. I wanted to laugh too, but it couldn't come out- so I was just giving the blankest stare to her. I wanted to say," haha, I'm laughing because you think that." But I couldn't be a douche, even if I wanted to.

"So, what are you guys doing?" Chloe asked with a brow raising up. "S-stuff." I mumbled, hoping that Chloe would leave us alone soon. "Can I join?" She asked, giving a toothy smile. Chloe exchanged glances with marinette, giving a deathly glare. "Oh hey, Mari. What occasional are you spending with Adrien?" Chloe asked, giving a forced smile. "Nothing much, just spending some time with a friend." Marinette said in the kindest way possible. At the beginning of marinette's arrival, Chloe was an incredible ass to marinette.

"Can I join? I mean, this is only a friend meet up, right?" Chloe asked. "I mean, this restaurant is required for a reservation, and we only called for two people." I responded, basically saying no but in an excuse form. "I can wait!" Chloe smiled. I was about to snap, god please help me.

"Yeah but right after we are going home. We have different activities right after." I said, maybe this gave the final excuse of "leave me alone."

"Okay, but make sure to call me next time you meet up, I want to join." She said giving a dirty, bitter wink. "Sorry about that." I whispered to marinette. She gave a small laugh. "It's fine." She said covering her mouth as she was trying to laugh calmly. "Want to go in?" I finally asked, as she nodded with glee.

          After their introduction on the meals, marinette went to the pastas. "I'm getting a simple green pesto sauce dish, what about you?" Marinette asked, as she was soon looking at the drinks. "Uh, probably the medium rare steak, and for my drink- a coke?" Marinette nodded, and replied with," I'm getting a Pepsi."

            We soon ordered, and got our meals 10 minutes after, as we started to dig in. "This looks good, I'm glad they have the green version too, my chef always makes the green one." She said smiling. "Let's eat, my steak looks great." I said with drool dripping off my lip. "Are you a dog?" She jokingly laughed. "Yes, yes I am." I said rolling my eyes, as I took a bite. "You can actually call me a dog now, this steak is amazing."

A/N: Sorry for the late chapters, and I always leave you on cliff hangers (( _ _ ))

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