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It was Sunday night, and my phone was on 5%, charging. I was facetiming marinette since 1 pm, and my phone sure felt warm. "Do you need help with math?" She asked, reading some book that I didn't really care about. "No, why?" I asked, placing a confusing face. "No reason. You're math teacher just asked." She mumbled.

          "So. I heard Chloe is asking you again." She seemed distracted. "O-oh really? Cool." I seemed to be distracted by her being distracted. Huh.

          "What's wrong?" She didn't even need to look up. "O-oh nothing." I mumbled, walking to my computer. "What are you doing by the way?" I asked, clicking a few keys to open my screen. "Just filing something." She said showing the 5 document papers.

          "For what?" I asked, confused. "Oh-something." She said finishing a paper. "You wanna come over? You're house is next to mine anyway, I see your room from across the window." She glances to the window and saw me. She was in her pajamas which fairly looked adorable on her. "Sup." She said opening the window. "H-hey." I said looking at the glass of water on my corner desk. I ran to the water, drinking it solely to get ride of my thirst. "S-sup." I said awkwardly, leaning on the window- acting as cool and steady as possible.

          She laughed, well that's a good thing since her laughs are adorable. She wiped the tears away and stared at me with a straight face. "You're funny Adrien." She was trying to hold back her laughter. "You're funny Adrien" made my heart go pump. "Re-really?" I said, smiling awkwardly. "Of course" she said, smiling. I know she meant it as friends, but I always take compliments as love. But it's a different story between us.

She saw me as a friend, and nothing else. I saw her as a love interest, but I guess she isn't really noticing my affection to her. "What are you doing?" She asked, shutting her phone. "N-nothing. Just face-timing you, haha." I said awkwardly gazing my eyes somewhere else. "Same. I was just filing something." She said playfully holding them up in the yellow folder. "Nice." I said staring at the adorable pajamas. "Wanna come over? My parents are on a business trip like usual." She sounded a bit depressed when she mentioned that her parents rarely visit her. "Yeah, sure. Make some space, I'm jumping." I said, smiling. "You could die, you know." She said having a girlish smile on. "Yeah, but I've done it tons of times when I snuck in your room while sleeping." I said waving my arms slightly. She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, but if your going to die, don't blame it on me, you ass." She said smiling. "Got it." I said making a thumbs up. I ran to her balcony, making a move on the platform and landed on my butt on her carpet. "So close." I said proceeding to lay on the floor. She playfully punched my arm lightly, smiling. "Haha." She said putting the files in her desk. "Want something to drink?" She asked looking at me. I was breathless, but also happy that I was in Marinette's room. I haven't been here in a while anyway. "Yeah, lemonade?" I asked as she nodded. She called on her speaker for her drinks. "Can you give me two lemonades, thank you."

"So, you're smiling more, eh?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. "I'm just...happy." I stopped and looked at her. "Ooh, tell me." I was starting to get excited. "Someone asked me out." My heart stopped. She was laughing because of... someone else? I swear I stopped breathing, my stomach started aching, and I was a nervous wreck.

"O-oh cool." I was too nervous to ask her his name, and why she was so giddily about this. Maybe I will be lucky and she will tell me, but she doesn't seem like that type to blurt everything out. "So, what's the guy's name?" I asked, still semi- trying to cool it off but still a nervous wreck. "You probably don't know him, but it's Nathaniel. He's in my homeroom and we have like two classes together." She explained, but that's really it. "So... do you like him back?" I couldn't shut my mouth, but comparing of how dense she is, she wouldn't even notice my jealousy. "I don't really think so. Maybe I just want to test out of how dating is. Life is short, and I have a crush on someone else, anyway." She then turned around and flashed a smile at me, making a boy's heart melt.

But that meant I still had a chance. But if Nathaniel takes Marinette, it's over.

          Sorry for the delay and short chapter!

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