|| six ||

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| Adrien |

          It was Monday, and for once; I was excited. Today, I planned to find more information about Nathaniel, or whatever his name was. Wasn't very interested, to be honest. It was a normal Monday morning, and Mari and I were driving in a limo. Since we were neighbors; both living in an privileged environment, we decided that driving each other in our cars were fun. I noticed her movements as we were in the limo. Her eyes were closed shut, but not asleep. She hummed a song lightly from what she was listening to on her headphones. I slyly walked up to her and gently tapped the outside of the headphone? "Hm?" She asked, looking like she awoke from her sleep. Even if she shared some laughs with me and I was stuck in the friend zone, which I should really move, I was glad that I had these sweet opportunities with my crush. Even if we weren't lovers, the fact that I could be around her without being uncomfortable made me feel like I had a place in the world.

          Even if I spent this much time with marinette, I would still fight anyone who touches my marinette. "Let's go." I smiled, as my butler opened the door. Her normal, unbothered face changed into a confused look. "Yeah, sure." She said, laughing softly for a bit. "Oi, marinette." I said as she looked back at me. "God, you are so tall." She groaned, playfully rolling her eyes. I went now to her height, teasing her with a smirk. She shoved me lightly, as she covered her mouth with her oversized sweater. "Are you actually interested in red head?" I asked. "Red head? If you mean tomato-" "who's tomato?" I asked, confused. "Nathaniel, but I'm not really interested. I've been thinking about it, and I don't really think I'll be going to the date either. I hope he doesn't take it to heart though." She said, as my nerves calmed down. She wasn't interested, so I still had my chance. This was good, really good.

          I went back down and winked at her. "It's a secret, shorty." I said, teasing her. "Ugh curse you, I swear when we get older I'm going to be way taller than you and tease you all the time- shorty!" She said, giving a small dramatic huff. "Aw, I'm sorry little marinette, but that was too cute. I think I'll tease you more from now on." I said, tearing up a bit from laughter. "You're gross" she said, as her facial increased into a smile. "And you're cute." I said, flicking her in the nose. "Hphm!"

| lunch |

          "I can't hold onto the tomato with my fork" marinette complained. "Nathaniel?" I teased. "Ugh, no" she said rolling her eyes. "Why don't you eat the sushi first?" I asked. She looked at me like I asked the lost stupid question someone could have asked. "Because the best is always saved for the last, duh." She said. "Yup, because we have 20 minutes left" I said, giving her a "are-you-sure-" look. Her eyes widened and started opening the package. "Thanks Adrien, I like my sushi, but not time." She said as she ate the fish and rolls with pure delight. I sat as I watched her eat. She seemed happy, just like me when I met her.

A/N: short chapter... again, but I wanted to finish this small chapter to show something ;)

If you think all the drama is over yet, you got the wrong story and wrong title :)

Also, almost 8k reads on this book is amazing wow, okay bye.

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