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AN: I thought that this might cover your waiting time for the other stories getting updated sometime this weekend. So, I had this story done years ago with a different main character, so I am rewriting this as a Jonas Brothers story instead. So I'll take some time to redo it all, but here is the first part...



            Somewhere in Idaho, a woman was dressed up in a blue business pantsuit, waiting for a man to join her for a lunch meeting.  She didn’t want to eat much until the interview was over, so she just ordered some water, and a small salad just to calm her nerves.

            Soon, she saw an older gentleman, classically dressed in a really nice black business suit.  He was carrying a black leather briefcase with a long overcoat over one arm, and a few planners and folders in his other.  She waved at him as he moved closer to her table.

            As he approached the table he asked, “Ms. Scott, I presume?”

            “Yes sir,” she smiled standing up and shook his hand.  “Do you need extra help?”

            “Yes, please,” he said handing her his coat and briefcase.

She put the briefcase on the seat next to his, and hung the coat on a nearby coat rack.

            “Ms. Scott, I’m sorry for being late, but I’ve been extremely busy speaking with clients all day,” he sighed sitting down and arranging the table with his materials.

            “That’s totally fine, I understand.  You’re a very busy man.”  She then asked waving at the waitress, “Would you care for something to drink, or eat?”

            “I’ll have coffee with cream and sugar please,” he said grabbing some papers from his briefcase.

            As the waitress came to the table Amber said, “I’ll have coffee with cream and sugar, and please take my plate away.”

            “Yes ma’am,” she said with a smile.

            “Thank you very much.”

            She watched Clive as he took out his cell phone from his back pocket, and slipped on a pair of reading glasses.  “Are you ready to begin Ms. Scott?” he asked glancing at her.

            She smiled, “Yes sir.”

            “Great,” he said as he opened the folder and began reading the paper.  “Your first name is Amber… Correct?”


The waitress came back to the table with his coffee.

            He looked at the waitress and smiled, “Thank you.”

            “You’re welcome.”

            “And thank you, Ms. Scott,” he said.

“It was my pleasure.”

            “You live here in town?” he asked reading the paper.

            “Yes.  I was born and raised here.”

            He looked up at her, “Did you graduate from college?”

            “Yes I did.”

            He focused as he read her resume and sipped his coffee. “Mmm, this coffee is really good.”

            Amber kept staring at him as he continued to read her resume.

            After he finished, he looked up at her, “Now, I always ask this question.  Why do you want to work in the entertainment business?”

             “Well, ultimately, I would like to go on an adventure, see the world, help the less fortunate, and eventually make a difference!  However, when I heard that you needed a Personal Assistant for one of your stars, I thought that the job would be fascinating.  I have great organization skills, and I’m a great conversationalist.”

            He glanced at her, “Would you be prepared to take the job if I told you that I need you to be ready quickly?”

            “Sure, I just need time to pack and to get my things in order.”

            “That’s understandable.  However, I really like that you’re spontaneous.”  He took his glasses off, placed them in his glass case and put the folder back into his briefcase. He then pulled out another manila folder.  “Okay, just so you know, the girl that was his assistant was fired the other day, and my client handed me the planner just before I left.”  He hands her the black leather paten planner along with the folder.  “You will find pictures of the star and his friends and family in this file. However, you can see the planner is a complete disaster.”

            Amber opened the note pad, it revealed post-its everywhere; and she could not believe that it was so disorganized.  Unbelievable, she thought as she stared at the notepad.

            “Ms. Scott, I need you to reorganize these files correctly for me.”  He handed her a typed paper, “This has all the correct information… including dates, contracts, booking engagements, etc…”

            She nodded, but as she was about to open the beige folder, he gentle placed his hand over hers.  “Promise me that you won’t get excited when you open this.  If you do, I’ll have to go find someone else for the job.”

            Amber nodded, “I understand.”  She didn’t want to lose out on this opportunity and seem too fan girly.

            She closed her eyes, and opened it.  Her eyes popped open widely as she saw a very famous singer that was the young brother of a brother band.

            Trying not to act star-struck she said calmly, “Nick Jonas?”

            “Yes,” he said.  “Now, I don’t have much time, but I need you to be packed by tomorrow morning.  I will have a limo pick you up, take you to the airport and you will be flying to New York City.”

            “New York?” she asked him while staring at pictures of Nick, his mom and dad Denise and Kevin ‘Paul’ Sr., bodyguard Big Rob, his brothers Kevin, Joe, and Frankie, and pictures of people in his inner circle.

            “Yes.  Rob will be waiting for you at the airport when you land.  He will be carrying a sign with your name on it.  I would appreciate it if you could update the planner with the information that I gave you by the time you get to New York City.  If you have any questions regarding the file, please call me.”  He handed her a new cell phone, “Nobody is allowed to have any access to his personal numbers and private information.  This is very crucial; he is a very private person.  I want you have his best interests at heart.”

            “Of course,” she said taking the phone, and looks up at him, “Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.”

            They shock hands and said goodbye.  Amber gathered the folder, planner, cell phone, and headed for home.


AN: So, what do you think?  Clive I know doesn't work with the boys anymore, but I had to keep that in, just think that Paul had asked him to do the looking for Nick... and I'll have a trailer done sometime this weekend too with the other stories updated. Until then... CFV

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