Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The next morning, Amber got ready for the day and went downstairs to make breakfast.

A half hour later, she heard Elvis barking and someone coming downstairs, as she was finished.

“Amber, are you up?” she heard Nick call out.

“Yeah,” she answered as she finished setting the table.

Nick walked in surprised to see breakfast on the table.  “Oh, you made breakfast for us.”

“Yes, and I made sure that what I fixed is healthy.”

He smiled.  “Great,” he said going to the back door to let Elvis outside.

Amber pulled a chair out for Nick, and sat down across from him. Nick came over to sit down at the table, she waited for Nick to take the first bite, and then started to eat hers.

He was impressed, “Wow, this is really good.  Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

They ate in silence after a while.  After Amber was done, she picked up her dishes, and cleaned up her mess.  As she filled the dishwasher, she watched Nick finish his breakfast, and he brought over his dishes to the sink to rinse off.

“Nick, go get ready, I’ve got it,” she told him.

“But I don’t have anything to do this morning.”

“Well, you can go get a suit for tonight, or hair trimmed.  Go get nicely done up for the awards.”

“I’m just going to stay home, get myself ready, and then go.”

“Rob is going too right?” she asked.

“Of course.”

“Good, don’t want the fans to attack you.”

He just heads upstairs.

She sighed while cleaning up the kitchen, then decided to go upstairs, and read a book after remembering tomorrow’s schedule.


Nick was laying out his clothes to choice from on what to wear at the awards show as his cell phone went off, and saw that it was Joe.

“Hey Joe,” he answered.  “What’s going on?”

Joe sneezed and talked like a frog, “Nick I have a cold, and I can’t go with you.”

“Oh, Joe I’m sorry that you’re sick.”

“Could you find someone else?” he coughed.

“Not at this short notice, but I’ll just go alone it’s not a problem.”

“I just hate to see you go alone.”

“I have Rob.”

“Okay, well, I’ll talk to you later.  I’m going to go crawl back in bed and sleep.  Have fun and good luck.”

“I will and thank you.  I hope you get feeling better.”

“Me too.  I have a show to do in a few days.”

They said goodbye; Nick hung up, and then called Rob.

“Yes Nick?” Rob asked.

“Joe isn’t going to make it, so it’s just us tonight.”

“Oh, what’s wrong?  Is everything okay?”

“Joe’s sick.”

“Oh man.  Well, um…” he was quiet for a few, “what about Amber?”

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