Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

            Amber woke up and saw that Nick wasn’t in bunk.  She looked around, and saw that he was missing.  The bus had stopped and was in Houston at the Jones Hall, but no one was around.

She got ready for the day, and when she got to the front, there was a yellow rose on the table with a note.  She picked up the rose to smell it and the note.

            Amber, I’m sorry about last night and the last few weeks.  I’m inside doing sound check.  Come in and find us.  Nick.

            Amber put the rose in a glass with some water, and put it in the sink so that it didn’t tip over.  She then grabbed her purse, made sure that her cell phone and planner was inside, put on her backstage pass that Nick asked her to wear so she can have access backstage; headed inside to look for Nick.


            The band and the Jonas Brothers were getting into place so they can go over the music and the show.

            Amber looked around the arena, found the stage entrance, and stopped when she saw the security guards at the entrance.

            “Excuse me,” she said trying to get through.

            “I’m sorry but you can’t go up there,” one said.

            “But, I’m Nick’s assistant, I need to let him know that I’m here,” she said showing her badge.

            “Yeah, right,” one said and started laughing.

            “You are kidding me.” She sighed, “Okay, well, if you’d be so kind, and tell him that I’m here when he gets off the stage.”

            “Yeah… sure,” the other one said.

            Amber turned around; she knew that they weren’t going to tell him, so she started looking around for Rob.

            She didn’t see him around at all, and was getting worried.  She went back the way she started, and then she found Nick’s dressing room with someone else guarding it.

            “Excuse me, I need to leave my purse in there,” she said going over toward the guarding it.

            “I’m sorry, no one is allowed in there but Nick and Rob,” he said stopping her.

            “Is Rob in there?”

            “I’m sorry I cannot tell you that.”

            She reached over and knocked on the door.

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