Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

            After a very long drive, they reached the school, Rob parked the car, and they headed inside to the office.  They saw the secretary at her desk as she watched them walking in.  She was middle aged; her hair pulled back into a ponytail, and was dressed in a blue floral dress.

“May I help you?” she asked with a smile.

            “Yes please.  This is Mr. Jonas, and his guard, and I am Ms. Scott.  Mr. Jonas had an appointment to spend the day here with your third graders.  He has an appointment with the principal this morning.”

            “Oh, of course,” she said standing up from her desk and walked over toward them, and shook their hands.  “Welcome to our school.  I’ll let her know that you are here, and she’ll personally take you to the library and so you can read to the third graders and have lunch with them.”  She then looked at Nick.  “The lunch room will be ready for you to give your speech to the school about your life later this afternoon.”

            “Thank you,” Nick said smiling at her.

            “I’m sorry; I’m big fan, and not a crazy fan I promise you.  I love your music, your voice, you got wonderful talent, and your love of children.  I listened to your album on the way to work this morning.”

            “Well, thank you.”

            As the secretary went to her desk to grab her phone, Amber leaned over.  “See, I’m not the only one clamming not being a crazy fan,” she whispered.

Nick looked at Amber as she stood straight, and then Nick watched the secretary.

She pushed a button on the phone, “Mrs. Black.  Mr. Jonas is here to see you… yes, will do.”  She then hung up.  “She’ll be out in a second.”

            Soon the office door opened, and an older woman about late fifties with sliver short hair walked out wearing a black dress suit with a white blouse under the jacket.

She spotted them and walked over, “Ah, Mr. Jonas, welcome to my school,” she said as they shook hands.  “It’s great that you came to spend the day with our students.”

            “Thank you for letting me come,” he said and surprised Amber as he turned to face her and Rob.  “Mrs. Black, I would like to introduce you to my bodyguard Rob, and my assistant Ms. Amber Scott.”

            “Nice to meet you,” they said exchanging handshakes.

            “Welcome,” she said as she looked back at Nick, “The third graders have been excited all week that you are coming to read to them.”
            “I have been excited for this day too,” he replied.

Amber couldn't tell if he was lying or saying the truth.

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