Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Amber watched one scene being filmed, which the director told her it was toward the end of the movie for it.  Since it was dark outside they needed the night for it.

"CUT!" the director said after they were done.  "We are done with that scene.  It's late, everyone; see you in the morning!" he called out with his megaphone.

Amber and the crew clap for the scene. Amber walked over toward Zac.

"That was great," she told him.

"Thank you," Zac said, "did you call yet?"

"Yep, but I'll call him later. He's getting ready to go to the hotel. So when we get back to my room, I’ll call him."

"Was he mad that you didn't call him sooner?"

"He was until I explained that I thought he would like a call after his concert from me instead of a message." She smiled, "I can't believe that I'm here on vacation," Amber told them which they laughed.

"Yeah, let's get back to our hotel, because you had a long day."

"No kidding," Amber laughed. "Plus I need to call Nick too."

They headed off to their hotel.


Nick got done with everything, was at the hotel ready for bed, but waited for Amber to call him again.

Soon, once again on cue, his cell phone rang, and it was Amber.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi.  How was the scene?" he asked.

He heard her laughing, "VERY romantic.  The fans are going to go nuts."

"Oh, what happened?"

"Sorry, I can't tell, I signed a paper that I’m not allowed to talk about it."

"Aw," he laughed, "Okay."

"But um, the director did ask me if I could do a scene and I told him no, I promised you that I wouldn't do it."

"You can as long as you call me first."

"No, I pinky swore with you, but I really don’t want to do it anyways. I rather personally watch the making of it."

"Alright," he said. "So, how was the flight?  I take it you made it there safe and sound?"

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