Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

            Nick heard Amber move about in her bedroom and was in the bathroom, which he then decided he needed to get ready for bed too, and then he would go downstairs to get him something to eat.  He wasn’t in the mood to cook a huge meal, so he went and just got him a sandwich, made himself a cup of tea, and then took them back up to his room with Elvis on his trail.

            After he ate, he heard someone going downstairs, he listened to some moving around, and within ten minutes she was back in her room again.  He wondered what she made, and then started getting worried that he kitchen was a mess.  He decided to go downstairs with his dishes, however when he got down there, it was spotless.  He didn’t have anything to worry about.

            He finally locked up and went to bed.


The next morning, Nick had done his radio interview, and was at lunch with his mom and dad, Denise and Paul, that he told Amber to take the rest of the afternoon off so that she could finish unpacking her suitcases, and maybe nap because he knew about jet-jag, but asked her to keep the phone with her in case he or someone else calls.

Before Nick left for lunch, she asked to look around his place, promising not to touch anything, and not to go into his own bedroom since it was his private space. She was really excited to see his place up close and personal.  She found the office, the recording studio, and two other bedrooms upstairs besides hers and Nick’s.

She took a nice walk outside and played with Elvis.  He loved Amber more when he found out that she played ball with him.

After her nice walk, they went inside, up to her bedroom, and stared at her cell phone and planner.  She was picturing the business card that Zac gave her the day before.

She started pacing the floor and watched her phone and planner.  "To call, or not to call?  That is the question," she asked herself.  Soon, she went over to open the planner, and was calling Zac.

"Hello?" she heard.

“Hi,” she said.

“Amber?” Zac asked.


"Hi.  I hope that you're not fired yet," he said concerned.

"No, I just got a warning," she laughed.

“Good. So… what’s up?” he started. 

She turned to go outside to her balcony, "Well, I have the rest of the day off, but I have to keep the phone with me at all times."

"I understand.  But, how would you like to come hang out with me?"

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