Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Amber looked at the time on her watch. They were about to land in Orlando, get their bags, and then get into a limo to get to the Hard Rock Live.

She really enjoyed the last three days with Zac. They both flew back to Los Angles, California. They all did a DNA test, and the test results came back saying that Zac was her brother and parents were was really hers. It did feel weird at first, but it felt great later on as she got to know them.

Zac and Amber got to know each other more and more every day while they were together, and Amber giggled remembering that Zac asked his friends to come over for a Bar-B-Que and then told them that he and Amber were brother and sister, everyone went nuts and were excited to hear about it.

"What's so funny?" Zac asked her.

She looked over and smiled, "Oh, just thinking about what happened when you told everyone that we were brother and sister."

He giggled, "Yeah. It was fun."

Amber looked at him, "Zac?"


She smiled, "I just can't say it enough. Thank you for everything. I had a great time getting to know your family."

Zac didn’t say anything to her saying ‘your family’. "You’re welcome. I know that it's going to take some time to calling them, mom and dad. But they understand, and in due time, you will or might not."

She smiled. She leaned her head on his shoulder as she held onto his arm. Amber just didn't want to let go just yet. She felt if she did, her dream wasn't real.

"Hey look," Zac said looking out the window, "look at the lights."

Amber raised her head to look out. "Oh, wow." She moved to look out the window more and the city down below.

"Attention passengers. We will be landing in 15 minutes. Please be prepared to land."

Amber and Zac cleaned up around their area, and were ready.


"She's landed," Rob told Joe, Kevin, and Dani as they were about to go on stage before Nick walked over toward them.

They smiled looking at each other.

"Tell her the plan, and get her ready," Joe said quickly and quietly before Nick reached them.

"Ready?" Kevin asked looking at Nick.

"Yeah," Nick said sadly.

"Cheer up, the show is just starting," Dani told him.  “She has until after the concert.”

"I know," he sighed.

Joe patted his back, as the band got on stage to get ready.

As the brothers heard his cue, he went on as Dani watched with Rob.

Rob sighed, "Hurry Amber."


Amber and Zac were heading to the Hard Rock Live. Luckily in the planner Nick had left two backstage passes to get into the concert in back, so both of them had them on around their necks. Amber stared at her feet waiting for the limo to get there as she felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked over to see Zac.

"It's okay. The show just started, we have time," he told her with a smile.

Amber nodded. "I'm just scared."

"Don't be. You're with family and friends."

They both share a smile.

Soon, they got through thanks to Rob getting the security to watch out for the limo and making room to get in back with it. The limo stopped and Amber didn't wait to get out, she opened the door and Zac followed as they ran inside.

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