Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

            Someone was in the front room watching TV, and saw big news about Amber on the TV.  He turned up the volume on it and listened.

            “A few days ago, Nick Jonas’s personal assistant which we were asked to keep her name off the record, got arrested the other night at Nick’s concert in Carly, North Carolina.  His dad put out for an arrest on her because of her lying to the media about her being with him,” the reporter said. “He just fired another girl that was his assistant months ago for the same thing.  But hers was more out to the public for months before Nick caught her, and now this other girl just did it once and she’s arrested. I have reporter Samantha Smith doing more investigation on this. Samantha?”

            “Yes. Word is out that this other assistant got someone to take pictures of her and Nick together as the movie premiere that they got invited to go to courtesy of the director and Zac Efron, and she told the media that she and Nick were dating and were kissing.”

            Someone grabbed his phone and dialed a number. “Hey Nick. What’s going on with Amber getting arrested?”


            Amber cried, slept, and ate the jail food while she was in her cell for five days, until someone came and knocked on the cell door.

            "Hey! Someone is here to see you," a cop named Shelly said.

            "Who?" She just wanted to go home. Nick was gone and was in Atlanta, Georgia for tonight, then Fort Myers, Florida tomorrow. She couldn't believe that she remembered the concerts still.

            She saw the door open, "Come on."

            She got up, followed Shelly out, and followed her into another room.

            "Someone made bail for you," she said handing Amber her clothes back.

            "What?" she asked taking them. "But who?"

            "Well, he's waiting for you to get ready, and then take you home."

            She nodded as Shelly got her to a dressing room to change clothes, and then took her to get her wallet and personal stuff.

            As Shelly walked Amber out a door that she came into the jail from, she saw the guy waiting for her with brown hair and blue eyes.

             “Hi,” Zac smiled trying not to cry seeing her as messy as she looked.

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