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"Mum dad I'm home!" I yelled walking into my small townhouse in Wellington. I walked into the living room just as my parents came out of the kitchen.
"Darling we missed you so much." My mum says rolling towards me in her wheelchair. She has non-small lung cancer since she was a kid. She lived with it all her life but it never got worse. But as she got older the more sick she got. She was even put into a wheelchair.

I bent down giving her a hug then my dad. I sat down on the small love seat as dad sat across from me in a chair.
"So sweetheart how has school been. Excited you graduated." My dad asked. I nodded and said "School has been great. I actually got a degree for software engineer. And yeah I'm excited about graduation but I still need to find a good job still." I fiddled with my thumbs and bounced my knee's up and down from habit.
My parents gave each other a excited look and smiled at me. I raised my eyebrow's expectantly. My mom put her hand on my fiddling thumbs and said "Darling we have to tell you something." I nodded and she looked at me excitedly and said "We applied you for Google!"

I looked at both of them in shock then squealed in excitement. I have always wanted to work for Google but never got a chance because of college and work I had to complete over the year.
I jumped up and down on me feet and brought my parents in a group hug. "Thank you thank you thank you. Oh my, how much I love you." I screamed.
"Ok ok now go get packed darling your going to Google." My dad said and I nodded I ran to the staircase but my dad stopped me by saying "Oh and Maxy if you ever feel weird or sick go to the hospital and call us." I nodded and almost forgot.

I have the cancer gene.

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