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I decided to go get a smoothie from the little food shop. I got in line for the smoothie as a big older guy was in front of me with two cups of coffee. Once he got to the front he greeted the guy working "Morning."
"Drop it on me." I raised my eyebrows in confusion of his use of grammar.
"Nothing." The guy behind the counter said.
The man froze and said "For the-for these." He lifted the cups up and the worker said "Free."
"These are complimentary." He asked confused.

"Complimentary, free, whatever you want." The worker said gesturing to all the fruits and vegetables around the shop.
"So your just saying, whatever I walk away with here..."
"It's free." The worker said smiling. I smirked and slightly laughed at the guy. I found it kinda funny not at all annoying.
"You can have bananas." The worker picked up a banana and handed the man in front of me one.
"Oh yes-it's a great way to-it's the most important meal of the day." The man says and grabs the banana.
"Take two there free." The worker hands him another.
"You can say I need it." The man takes the other banana. "What about all the other stuff. The bagels and all of that."

"Yeah it's all free." The worker tells the man.
"Well if your just insisting I'll have a couple of them. Four yeah four. No how about make it five of them. You know why don't you whip us seven. Do you have a guzzler you now a red guzzler. Or a straw." I laughed at the man and he looked at me and I gave him a small smile which he returned.
He stepped out of line when he got everything and I stepped up.
"Hello um...can I have a strawberry banana smoothie please." The man nodded and made it. When he was done he came up to me and handed it to me.
"Thank you." I said.
"Anytime." He smiled.
I sat down at one of the tables and started to drink it as I looked on my phone. I currently was in a crop top, a white cardigan and a black skater skirt. I had on white vans and my long necklace from my best friend back in MIT. My hair was also down below my shoulder in its wavy state.
Outfit below *

Once I was done I saw it was time to go to HQ

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Once I was done I saw it was time to go to HQ. When I got there I saw hundreds of interns and I mean hundreds. I put on the hat as everyone else did. I had my card around my neck and just stood by some people and looked on my phone.
I heard a girl talking about same sex parents are good partners and she wishes she had same sex parents. I looked up and saw the man at the food shop walking with another man down the stairs.
I thought they were a little too old to be here but who am I to judge.
I watched as they split and the older man went to the food-of course-I thought. I smirked and looked back down at my phone.
That's when I heard a voice on a speaker say "My name is Roger Chetty. And I am head of the Google intern program." The man talking had a accent too. I took a seat next to a big sized intern and smiled at him which he returned.

"Welcome to Google. This will not be your average internship. Oh no. You will do what we do. And we will watch how well you do it. We know you represent the finest schools. Your intelligence and achievement is well noted excel at this internship, your going to need far more than brain power. What your going to need, is googliness." Chuckles escape from everyone around me but I just show a quick smile but the go back to seriousness when he says, "Nothing funny. Googliness, the intangible stuff, that made a search engine...into a engine for change. Now you will be divided into teams. And by the end of the summer only one team will be guaranteed a full time position. The other 95% of you will not." I tap my foot anxiously. I could be that 95%, I could loose my dream job. I push the negative thoughts away and listen back to Chetty.

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