Breathe Me

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Sorry this one is a little boring but I promise the next one will not be.
When we arrived at the hospital there was blood soaking my clothes. Stuart yelled for help from the nurses as I was loosing my breathe. Nurses rushed over to me as they told me to calm my breathing. I was then lifted and put into a bed. They started to run while pushing me down the hall, and Stuart was running beside me.
He kept asking what was wrong but the doctors told him to leave. Then everything got blurry. The woman beside me kept telling me to stay awake but I slowly lost consciousness.
I woke up in a white room. I felt something hooked up to my nose and felt a breathing tube. I slowly sat up to see a doctor talking to Stuart outside. I saw the team all beside him, arguing with the Doctor.
"Guys." I said as my I regretted it immediately when pain shot through my throat. They all looked at me and came sprinting in my room.
"Maxy are you hurt!"

"Do you feel pain anywhere?!"

"Oh my gosh we were petrified!"
They all yelled at me. I shook my head and say "I'm fine but, what happened."
"You coughed up blood then fainted." I look to see Stuart with bags under his eyes and his hair a mess he quickly attacks me with a hug which I gladly return. "God you scared the shit out of me!"
"I'm sorry but we need to talk to her alone, unless your family." The older Doctor says. I look at everyone and say "Yeah they are my family so you can talk to me with them in here."

The Doctor looks at everyone and sighs. "Ok well Mrs. Davis we are going to need to CT scan. We have to look for anything abnormal in the tissue or organs. But there are risks, such as radiation. But the benefits are more than the risks so you should be fine." The Doctor says nodding at me. I nod and the Doctor continues, "But if the CT scan does detect anything we will immediately put you through a PET-CT scan. That scan will create pictures of organs and tissue in your body, and to do that will will need to inject you with radiation." The Doctor picks up a clipboard with papers on it. He hands it to me and says "You will have to sign here so we will be able to get you the scans. And Mrs. Davis, since you were coughing up blood, have you ever smoked before or done something that could have done something to your lungs?"

I look at the papers and up to look at all my friends. They all have sad looks of concern and worry on their faces. I look at Neha and she has tears in her eyes. Nick Billy and Lyle have sad eyes, and Yo-Yo looks worried and concerned.
Then I look at Stuart. He has tears in his eyes and looks depressed. I knew this would happen, the day he would find out I just didn't want him to act differently around me. But know I have to say it so I lastly look at the doctor and say "It's not something I've done. It's something I was born with."
"Mrs. Davis please tell me what you have been born with." The doctor says quietly nodding for me to continue. I inhaled and exhaled sharply. I then say "I have the lung cancer gene."
I just decided to take the CT and PET-CT scan. I noticed Stuart hasn't come back to the room. I frown and say "Where's Stuart?"
"He went outside after you said you have the cancer gene." Neha says looking at me with puffy eyes. I give her a sad smile which she returns. "I'll go look for him." I nod and decide to fall asleep.

•Nehas Patel•
I walk out of the hospital to see Stuart pacing back and forth. He's mumble some words to himself as he paces.
"What the hell Stuart!" I yell as he turns around, "Why aren't you in there with her! She was asking where you were!" He shakes his head and angrily walks towards me.
"You knew about it didn't you! She told you about her cancer gene didn't she!" Stuart yells in my face. I nod my head angrily and yell back "Yeah I knew! I knew that she was going to get cancer, and I'm the only one who knew!"
"Why didn't you tell me! Why didn't she tell me!"
"Because she loves you! And she doesn't want you to think of her as someone that can die any second! Well guess what, if you leave her she will die, emotionally! And after she breaks emotionally there is no saving her!"

Stuart looks down at me and he starts to cry. He then takes his phone and chucks it at the ground. My eyes widen at what he just did. He then slowly says "I'm so pissed right now. I'm pissed at her for not telling me. I'm pissed at her for having the cancer gene. And I'm pissed that I love her." And when he says that his eyes widen. "I love her." He says again loudly.
I smile at him and say "And she loves you. So get your ass back in there, and just be there for her." He nods and takes off sprinting inside the hospital to her.
I look down at Stuart's smashed phone and whisper "He sure does love her."

•Stuart Twombly•
I sprinted in the room just as the doctor walked in. I quickly went over to Maxy to see her sound asleep. I slowly wake her up and she stirs a bit. Finally after nudging her for a while, her eyes slowly open. She looks at me with confusion and says "Stuart where were you."
I instantly feel guilty and take her small hand in my large ones. "Baby I'm so sorry, I just had to calm down a little. But I promise you I'll be right with the whole time ok." She nods and I kiss her forehead, lasting a few seconds too long.
She smiles and then the Doctor says "Mrs. Davis we have found cancer cells in your lungs. And I'm sorry to say but you do have lung cancer." The doctor says slowly. My eyes water as Maxy gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, which I return. "But your lungs are still in healthy conditions, so you will be able to walk and not need a breathing tube. But Every few months you must come to the hospital for a check up. And if you ever feel horrible chest pain in your stomach or have abnormal coughing up blood, you must come immediately. But you are able to leave today if you would like."

I look at Maxy and she slowly says "I'd like to check out Doctor." The Doctor nods and says "I'll be checking you out now, so take it easy. Make sure to not yell for a while until your throat doesn't have pain anywhere. Oh and I almost forgot, I'll be back."
The Doctor leaves and I sit in the seat next to Maxy. I noticed Neha has returned and I give her a small smile which she returns. The Doctor quickly returns with another clipboard and a pill bottle.

"Are you allergic to any medications." The Doctor asks.
"Penicillin." Maxy says quietly.
"Alright have you every taken pills before, or have had take any recently."
"I've taken pills but not recently."
"Ok Mrs. Davis I have Chemotherapy medication. It kills cells that are multiplying too quickly. Tho yours aren't multiplying quickly, it can still help to kill the cells. So I will need you to take one pill every two months. Then when the cancer gets worse and multiples quickly we will make it every five days, and we will also put you on lung medication. It's called docetaxel-gemcitabine regimen." The doctor hands her the medication paper and the bill bottles. He then walks out leaving the team.

"Well let's go guys." Maxy says happily. I laugh at her and pick her up, helping her walk. Billy and Lyle grab her clothes because they put her in a hospital gown. Yo-Yo walks over to Neha and takes her hand walking with us.
"Your a fighter kid. I'll give you that." Nick says as he helps her walk. I smile and think to myself, God I lover her. And I quickly kiss her cheek as we head back to Google.

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