Find the Bug

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I sat between Stuart and Neha in translate lecture. I leaned towards Neha and whispered "We should definitely have a cosplay party with the others. Get to know each other you know." She nods excitedly and says "Yes! When and where I'll be there. How about tomorrow or something everyone gets dressed up, me and you show off our sexy bodies you know." She says smiling.
I nod and say "What movie should we do?"
"We'll find out soon enough." I nod and look over at Stuart. He turns to look at me and says "I heard about that cosplay thing. Maybe we should do Star Wars cosplay you know you being slave Princess Leia and all." He winks my face goes red and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Whatever." I mutter focusing on the translation.
"Good morning interns. Today marks the first of several challenges through which your team shows its merits. While dogfooding a new product, a number of Googlers reported a bug that disabled their audio. All two million lines of that code are in the source files. Your job, find the bug." Chetty says through the computer.
"Ok we should check the user report." I say walking towards our room.
"Scan the logs for any malfunctions." Lyle says.
"See what exceptions were thrown." Stuart says right behind me. I nod and when we get to the room I go over to the whiteboard I grab a marker and give it to Neha. Then I go over and grab my notebook and start to write out the equations.
"I start by drawing up strategies to sit through the code." Lyle says. Yo-Yo darts writing on the board as I do on my notebook.
"Code right. Codes right." Billy says "So we are looking to kind of break the password here right." Everyone was righting down on the whiteboard and trying to block out Nick and Billy. I walked towards Stuart and said "So this what I got so far. At first I had to understand the whole application so I thought maybe there is maybe a cron due to the vast DB processes so I just worked out the problem and got some equations." I shows him and he looked impressed.

"Maybe the answers in the question? 'Bug'." Billy says from behind me.
"Eureka." Nick says. I sign and keep working on my notebook.
"Bug like fly 'the fly' is Chetty a cinephile?"
"Goldblum." Nick says and Billy claps his hands excitedly and yells "Goldblum."
"Mind boggling that no ones notebook is out." Nick says.
"Mine is but I'm not writing that rubbish." I whisper and Stuart snickers from beside me.
"The gibberish your writing may or may not be helpful. I guarantee what we are saying is helpful!" Nick says at us. I'm getting really annoyed but decide to keep my mouth shut. I grabbed Stuart's hand to get the marker. When I grabbed his hand a hot sensation ran through me. I grabbed the marker and gave him my notebook. When I looked at him I saw he was blushing I shyly looked at the whiteboard and started to finish his equation.

"We're looking for a bug, not a password. They're different things." Lyle says way to nicely.
"Keep going with that human connection." Billy says. Then they just started to talk really fast and over each other so I couldn't understand them. I put my fingers on the bridge of my nose and squeezed.  I was going to explode.
They started throwing gibberish at each other and me and Yo-Yo yelled at the same time "Would you please stop?!"
"No we're working." Nick says.
"No we're working." Yo-Yo says sternly.
"Yeah and that's a sharpie by the way genius." Stuart tells Billy.
"That's my fault." Billy says and licks his hand and try's wiping off the sharpie.
"Look guys I'm sorry but you not helping." Neha says.
"Your saying a lot of words really fast that mean nothing." I say rubbing my temple. "To find the bug we need to review the codes and scan the user locks until we find the programmers mistake. It's the only way." I shrug at the end.

"Except what if it's not the only way?" Billy says. Nick points at Billy and mutters 'go'. "You said someone programmed it. That means some person in the building wrote the code."
"A human being." Nick says with enthusiasm.
"Let's just give him a name and call him tony. Let's say tony likes kayaking. All of a sudden me and Nick become friends with Tony. We're throwing a few beers back, doing some kayaking. Tony's bombed on the open water. Next thing you now we start grabbing about audio bugs!" Billy says with excitement.
"Yeah I actually think it's a great idea." Stuart says I look at him with confusion and he just smirks.
"Good! Great!"
"Dark and stormy feeling us!" Billy yells with a smile.
"Yeah no, feeling you big time, buddy. If fact, why don't the two of you go and find the programmer?" I widen my eyes at him. I don't think this is the best idea, I mean we are supposed to be a team.

"Great. Great idea." Nick says.
"Yo-Yo who's our man."
"His name is Charles Xavier." Yo-Yo says and I almost laugh.
"Perfect Nick right this down." Billy says.
"Uh he's a professor. At Stanford. Yeah just a few minutes away really." Neha says. I shake my head to myself knowing how wrong this is.
"Guys." Lyle says.
"And he's in a wheelchair." Stuart says.
"Got it. Stanford wheelchair what else." Billy says.
"Uh he's bald." Neha yells.
"Might be with his best friend, who wears a metal hat." Stuart says.
Everyone starts throwing random facts about the x men character.
"Maxy what else hit me up." Nick speaks up. I look around the room at the others that have hopeful eyes. I sign and say "British accent."
"British ok. My ear were done." Nick says walking away.
"Keep searching. Think fly think bug. And I'm betting this somehow intersects with Goldblum." Billy says walking away too. 

"Yeah Goldblum. Jesus." Stuart mumbles.
I look at everyone and scoff then say "Hey nice teamwork."
I go and grab my notebook and keep writing in it.
"Come on cheer up Maxy." Stuart says. Him saying my name sounded nice but I'm ticked off at him right now.

I hear Yo-Yo and Lyle talking about the bug and Yo-Yo says "Almost done checking the encryption."
"I'm sorry almost. Either your done or not-"Neha says and I finish "Yeah you can't almost be pregnant." I say while Neha nodded at me.
"Yeah hey, she would know guys." Stuart says looking at me.
I scoff and glare at him then say "Go Google asshole 'asshole'." Stuart gave me a pouty lip and turned his head to the side. I stuck my middle finger at him and he just smirked.
"Yeah. She's right it's not good enough. Yo-Yo get it together." Yo-Yo says and pulls his eyebrow out.
"What the fuck was that." Neha said from beside me.

"I'm punishing myself for my inferior performance." Yo-Yo says quickly. I look at him worried and shake my head.
"Well that's good. Wow. Good. Great. We got crazy over here, and crazy horny over here." And points to me.
"Oh let me guess. Big dick 'cause little dick?" Neha tells him and I laugh at her remark.
"Does your mind just immediately go to a penis joke?" Stuart asks. "Is that what-"
"Oh I'm sorry was that not witty enough?" I say standing up.
"Oh no that's fine but I'm just trying to get you to acknowledge the fact that I'm winning the quip-off." Stuart says gesturing with his hands.
"That's what your worrying about!" I yell.
"Yes." He says right off the bat. 
"So your more concerned with snarky banter than working." I say with a really face on.
"Yeah." He says and I ball my fist up about to throw a punch but get stopped by Neha. She pulls me to sit down so I do so.

But the whole time I'm glaring at Stuart from my seat.

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