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It's amazing how much can change in a year, weeks, days. How life can be amazing and great then the next...just a giant mess. Well, for Maxy so much has changed, more specifically so much can change in just one night. It was around two in the morning, and Maxy woke up with a jolt. Crying fell from her lips as a horrible pain erupted in her chest. She couldn't breathe, only hold her chest and scream in agony.
Stuart was immediately by her side the second it happened. Tears welling in his eyes as he watched his girlfriend suffer, not being able to do anything. She clutched her hair, pulling and choking for air.
Stuart picked her up quickly, rushing out of the apartment, shouting for someone anyone to help.
Maxy couldn't think straight, the only thing going through her mind is she's going to die. This is it, it's all over. Maxy last remembers hearing Stuart cry her name, before everything went black.

A beeping woke Maxy up. Her chest felt heavy and hurt like hell as she tried to sit up.
"Hey, slow down there." Stuart was by her side in a instant, much like the dreadful night before. His eyes red and puffy from crying, making Maxy sad. She didn't want him to cause him pain again, and he didn't want to feel it. But if it meant he got to be with Maxy, he would go through as much pain as he had too.
Maxy reached for his hand, pulling it to her lips. They just stayed like that, staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity. But sadly Stuart had to tell her.
"Your sick Maxy, really sick." His voice cracked, it paining him to say that. "They called your parents and they will be coming up here." Maxy looked away from Stuart, sadness etched on her face.
"What about the internship?" Maxy finally said after a few seconds. Stuart rubbed her hand comfortingly.
"Maxy..." Stuart was going to protest but she shook her head.
"It's your dream. Your going to finish that dream Stuart, with or without me." Maxy said sternly and Stuart clenched his jaw. He tugged at his hair, the reality of the situation hitting him.
Don't say that-" Stuart began but was interrupted abruptly by Maxy.
"I'm going to die Stuart! Whether you like that or not I'm going to die! And your going have to live without me in your life, so don't act like I'm fine because I'm not! I'm far from fine, Stu." Maxy was crying again and Stuart found himself sobbing. He pulled Maxy into him, kissing her forehead. They cried into each other, whispering how much they love each other.
"Marry me." Stuart says without remorse. Maxy pulls away wiping her tears.
"What?" She says astonished. Stuart nods his head confidently and begins to speak.
"You heard me. Will you marry me? I love you Maxy and you make me a better person. Everything about you is perfect and god I wish I could take away all your pain and we could live together forever. But we both that's not what's going to happen. So marry me. You gave me a forever in the amount of days and I'm so grateful." Stuart grabs Macy's face gently and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. "Losing you, it's going to hurt like hell. But it's inevitable, and us being together is too. So, I'll ask one more time, will you marry me?"
Maxy was speechless. No one has ever said something so loving and beautiful to her before, and happy tears come to her eyes.
"Yes." She whispers, and watches as Stuart's face lights up. He laughs and pulls her into a loving kiss.
"I love you." They both said at the same time, savoring the moments they have together. The little time they have left. That's the thing about love, it's there when you least expect it, but gone when you most need it.

Maxy died a year and a half after they finished the Google Internship. Stuart and Maxy got married after the internship and lived together in Zealand, having bought their own house. Stuart didn't regret a single second of being with Maxy.
They lived a happy life together, but sadly a short one. God how he wishes he had more time with her. More time to make a family, more time to love.
But sadly, they didn't. They bickered here and then, but not once did their love for each other falter. Her funeral was the hardest thing he had every done in his life. The pain was unbearable, but he knows she isn't in pain anymore. And he yearns for the day they will see each other again.

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