Dance Club?

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This is a long chapter so you can play the song whenever but please play it when you get to the club part
"Let's take this new team spirit and let's apply it to this next app challenge. We got this." Billy says to us as we all are drowsy. It's the middle of the night and we are doing our next challenge, 'Create an App'. After the other night at Stuart's, he has been ignoring me and I would be lying if I said I wasn't off my game.
All I could think about was how much I like him now but he has been ignoring me like I don't exist anymore. It honestly made me depressed and I didn't want to be like that while I'm trying to win this internship. Plus it's bad for my health anyways. I was zoning out of their conversation as the talked stuff about Instagram and 'on the line' and something called exchangogram.

That's when Graham appeared on one of the computers and I turned in to see what he says "Hello fellow interns. Graham Hawrty here. I've attached a link to our app...that has already downloaded 230 times." And it went to a picture of him celebrating.
"Great we are going to loose yet another challenge. Were not going to get these jobs. Our lives are basically ruined." Neha says sitting across from me. I look up at her and give her a reassuring smile.
"Your life isn't ruined you guys are 21 you have your whole life in front of you." Billy says looking at us.
Well I don't have a long lifetime ahead of me.
"Do you even know what it's like to be 21 right now." Stuart says. "I mean a quarter of the kids coming out of college can't even get a job."
"That's a correct statistic. Mother said you can work hard and go to the right school but nothing is guaranteed anymore that's life." Yo-Yo says shrugging. I nod and slouch in my seat.
"The whole America dream you guys grew up on that's what it is now a days, a dream." I say looking at everyone but Stuart.

"But your too young to be this cynical. You guys see the world this way." Nick asks and we all nod.
"That's not how we see it, it's just the way things are now." Stuart says and I look at him for the first time in a while. He doesn't have his beanie and he looks good.
I shake my head and look down. Then Billy says "All right that's it get up. Let's do it."
"Why we have work to do." Yo-Yo says and I nod my head standing up.
"No no no no no uh eh." Billy and Nick say. "It's time to hit the reset button. We need to get our heads right because we are getting together as a team." Nick says smiling. I smile and nod my head.
Everyone keeps disagreeing and I say "Come on guys! Live a little have fun. You all are too stuck up. I used to be little miss perfect but now that I meet these two guys, I learned to live a little." I say to them and meet eye to eye with Stuart he gives me a slight smile and I say "Now let's get our asses up and go. Forget the app we'll get it done we have another day. But right now let's live for once in our lives."

Nick and Billy put their arms around me and we all walk to the Google bus.
We were at a Chinese restaurant and Billy is talking to the waiter in some other language. I watched Stuart as he took a drink out of his beer bottle, and it was a site to see. He looked so manly.
Billy said something in the other language and everyone started laughing. I looked at Neha and she just looked lost. She looked at the untouched beer in front of me and said "Are you going to drink that."
"No I've never had a drink before." I said I looked at Stuart to see him looking at me and I blush, looking away.
I heard Billy say to Nick that there is a dance club down the street and they both started to yell it at us.
We walked down the street to the dance club and Stuart was beside me. He finally said "Hey I'm sorry I ignored you."
"Don't worry about it." I said shrugging I didn't know we stopped walking until Billy said "Guys come on!" When we walked in we saw strippers everywhere. There were naked woman on tables and poles everywhere.

"This isn't a dance club." I say quietly. There are girls without shirts walking around, hitting on men. Luckily Stuart was looking at his phone instead of up.
"Show you to your table." A girl with lots of makeup on and no top on said. She walked in front of us and stopped in front of me and Stuart.
"There's a great big world out there my friend just three inches up I beg you. Any questions." Nick says and Stuart looks up and at the girls breasts.
My heart drops slightly and the girl takes his finger in her mouth. "Oh that's deep." Stuart mutters. I look at my feet and then hear the girl say "Hey you." I look up at her with a 'me' look. She nods and says "One of our girls are out and none of the others have a body like yours, could you help us. Please."
And I look at everyone but Stuart is looking at the girls breast, maybe he'll look at me if I'm in a stripper suit. I nodded and she smiled but then I said "But my friend Neha has to do it too."
I look at Neha and she nods excitedly. I take her hand and the stripper leads us to the back stage. When we get to one of the rooms the girl looks at me and says "Sorry about what I did with your boyfriend. It's policy I have to do that. I didn't mean to do anything."
"He's not my boyfriend."
"But you want him to be." She says and I mutter a quite 'yes'. She nods and says "Then your going to like this." She pulls out a black stripped suit with laced thongs but not see through and a black bra that was showing the side of my breast. I went and put it on and then came out of the bathroom.

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