Slowly but Surely

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"The whole world looks like a giant pinwheel of death right now." Stuart mutters from the beanbag. He had his beanie over his glasses. We were majorly hung over, well except me, Nick, Billy, and Neha.
I didn't really drink too much, only took one shot. "Price of making memories Stewie." Nick says. I was sprawled out one of the couches with Nick and Yo-Yo. My head was resting on Nicks thigh as my feet were on top of Yo-Yo's feet. I was extremely tired from yesterday.
"I think my liver hurts." Yo-Yo mutters with a groan. Yo-Yo sits up and looks so tired. I smile at him and he just groans.
"Astonishingly your app received ten times more downloads than other teams." I hear Chetty say and we all quickly sit up from laying down. Stuart takes the beanie off he eyes and he looks hilarious. "It appears you have won your first challenge."

We all look at each other with smiles and congratulate each other. Nick pats me on the back and I hug him. Stuart winks at me and I smile.
Then Yo-Yo quickly sits up and grabs the red bucket and pukes in it. My smile turns into a scowl and I stand up. The smell of puke invades the air. I cover up my nose and Nick pats Yo-Yo's back and says "He gets over excited."
"Lovely." Chetty says with distaste and walks away.
"Let it out little feller. Let it out." Nick says as Yo-Yo keeps puking.
I was writing down the answer to the equation as fast as I could. Everyone was telling me to keep going and I was right. Right when Chetty walked pass us I got done and yelled "I'm done! I'm done!"
Chetty checks my answer and he looks at my work. He then gives me a thumps up and we all yell 'yes' and I give Lyle and Yo-Yo a high five then give Stuart and Neha a hug. Billy and Nick pat me on the back and I feel so happy.
"Hey guys lets go play volleyball!" I yell to them they all nod and we head to the volleyball nets.

When we get there we get into teams. It's Neha, me, Billy, and Yo-Yo's the ref. Then the other team is Nick, Lyle, and Stuart.
I walk up to the net as Stuart does. "I'm going to kick your ass Stewie." I say with a smirk.
"Oh yeah." He says putting his hands through the net holes. I do the same and say "Yep. Your...going...down." And with that I walk to the corner of the sand. Neha hands me the volleyball and I hit it on the ground a few times. Then I throw it in the air and spike it to the other side of the net.

It hits right between Nick and Stuart and my team yells in victory. I high five them and wink at Stuart. He rolls his eyes and rolls the ball to me from under the net. I spike it at them again and Stuart falls to the ground trying to get to it.
I laugh at him and his face turns red. He quickly gets up and runs after me. I mutter a 'oh no' and take off, but he was too fast.
When he gets me he grabs my arm and pins me in the sand, him on top of me.

"What's so funny." He says smiling down at me. I laugh and say "Your face."
"Oh really. You love this face." He says laughing. Then his features quickly turn into mischief a smirk. I look at him confused but then his hands attack my sides tickling me.
I scream in laughter and squirm under him. I scream and laugh until I'm almost crying. "Stuart! St-Stuart! Stop please!"
"Then say you love my sexy, hot, goddess, face!" He yells. I shake my head laughing and loosing my breathe.
"Say it or I won't stop." He yells.
"Fine fine! I love your sexy, hot, goddess, face. You asshole." And with that he stops. I catch my breathe and stick my hand out for him to take.

He grabs my hand and helps me up. When we turn to look at the team they are all smiling widely.
"You guys are so fricking cute. Like literally goals!" Neha yells and I blush at her.
Then I suddenly get an idea, "Hey how about we watch x-man." Everyone laughs and nod.
"Our professor was way meaner than this guy." Billy says pointing at Charles Xavier. I let out a small chuckle as does everyone else. I grab a piece of pizza from Yo-Yo and take a bite as I sit back down next to Stuart. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. I then feel the same chest pain, but worse. My face face goes completely white and I frown.
I try to keep the others from noticing but Stuart asks "Hey you ok."
"Yeah just a chest pain." And when I said that Neha, Billy and Nick quickly look at me with concern. Neha's face is sad now and Billy and Nicks are worried. I give them all reassuring smiles and return to watch the movie.

When the movie is over Stuart walks me back to my dorm. When we get there he stops me from getting my key and says "I know that wasn't nothing. You can tell me."
My eyes widen but I quickly recover and say "Trust me it was nothing. Just a cramp."
He shakes his head and says "Yeah ok." And with that he goes in his dorm. I sign knowing I can't tell him, not yet. He'll think of me as some unhealthy freak.
I quickly go in my dorm and get out my notebook and open up the page to my bucket list.
&Bucket list&
•Have my first kiss
•get the Google internship
•get drunk
•have the bet night of my life
•do something crazy that mum and dad wouldn't allow
•have a cosplay party with everyone
•go to the beach with the team
•see the most beautiful view
•beat Billy and Nicks asses in volleyball
•fall in love

I look through the list to see what I have done. I think back to the night at the club. I partially got drunk so I quickly check that off the list.
I haven't had my first kiss, haven't  gotten the Google internship...yet?
have the best night of my life
I think back to the club, us having a good time. Me getting into a fight for the first time, spending time with the team, and having the best time ever. Going to the Golden Gate Bridge and seeing the most beautiful view.
That was for sure the best night of my life so far. I quickly cross it off then go to the next one.
•do something crazy that mum and dad wouldn't allow
I think back to the club and know Mum and Dad would want me to be a stripper ever, or even give someone a lap dance.
Yep definitely crossing that one off.
I look at the next one and see its fight and live. I still don't know if I'm going to get cancer, even though I'm showing symptoms.

The next one is having a cosplay party. We still need to do that and going to the beach with the team. I look at the other one and see it is seeing the most beautiful view, and I know looking at that Golden Gate Bridge was definitely the most beautiful view.
•beat Billy and Nicks asses in volleyball
I smile at that one knowing I kicked Nicks ass in volleyball, so I cross it off knowing it's good enough. Then I look at the last one, fall in love. I think about that one hard. I know I'm slowly and surely, falling in love with Stuart Twombly. I smile at the thought and quickly get in and out of the shower then go to bed, with thoughts of beanie boy on my mind.

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