Chapter 8

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PEOPLE LOOK AT me then look away when Cara moves in front of me.

Cara had this brilliant idea that she should come to school with me in my car so I didn't go alone.

That and she would help me carry my crap around.

So now we are walking through the doors of Centers. I try to ignore all the staring. And then Cara disappears and reappears with a bloody fist.

"Sorry, I had to do that." I look at her confused until someone shouts.

"You broke my nose, bitch!" I know that voice all too well.

Cara sends me an innocent look and then turns to Senna who is now holding her nose. I then notice we are in an empty hallway, and she must've been following us.

"So what? Say you're sorry to Kay," Cara demands while wiping her hand on a napkin she always carries around for emergencies. Such as a drink spills and ice cream drippings.

"What for?" Senna asks straightening up. I then notice she doesn't have any of her minions.

"For being a screwed up bully." It's me who says that. "And I never was selfish. I got six different jobs to help my dad, but he refused to get the treatment. Imagine if your dad was dying, what would you do?" I say honestly, trying to get through to her. I'm sick of all this drama between us.

"Easy. I'd get money from my grandma."

Wow. She's never going to change. I try to stop this crap, but she will never change.

I turn my back on her and walk away, Cara trailing behind me. Up until the principal comes and pulls her away for punching Senna.

"Cara, come with me." Principal Holland demands. Of course, she knows who Cara is. Cara is one of the smartest students here so the principal knows her. Which is probably why Cara won't get in too much trouble. Teachers always have favorites and its always a good thing to be on their good side. 

"Oh, I forgot about this part," Cara mumbles while giving me my books. "Sorry."

"It's fine," I wave her off with grateful eyes. She sends me an apologetic smile and turns to the principal. 

"Miss Keller would you like someone to carry those for you?" Principal Holland asks me shortly, motioning to my pile of books. 

I look at my books and shake my head.

"No thank you, I think I'm good."

Holland nods and walks away with Cara following. Cara is covering her face with her hair because of embarrassment. 

I walk forward and wobble my books to get in a good condition, which was stupid because then one starts to slip out of my arm. 

I struggle to catch it and hiss in pain when it catches on my brace. I turn the corner not looking where I'm going and crash into a wall. 

I yelp and drop all of my books because it was my brace that crashed into the wall. Crashing into a wall is such a me thing that I don't care, up until I look up and my throat squeezes. 

That wall was a person.

A boy with short blond hair bends down and grabs my books before I can stop him. He looks up and my eyes are met with the most startling green ones I've ever seen in my life. 

The whole time he's picking up my books we stare into each other's eyes until I break out of my trance and shake my head.

"God! I'm sorry. I should've been watching where I was going." I scold myself and get down to help him instantly. 

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