Little Notes He Leaves You Around the Place

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Harry: You climbed through the portrait hole silently, not wanting to wake anyone up. You had just returned from a trip to the library and was wondering where Harry was. He had promised you that he and Ron would meet you in the library to tell you something. He said it was important and yet he didn't show up. You sat down in one of the chairs in front of the fire when you caught sight of a piece of parchment on the table beside you. Picking it up, you recognized Harry's messy handwriting right away.

Dear Y/N,
Sorry we cant meet you in the library just yet. maybe well tell you later when we've finished telling Lockhart all we know bout the chamber.
Ps stay put do not go any where.

Love Harry

You stared at the piece of ragged edged parchment in bewilderment. Sometimes the Boy who Lived was one annoying puzzle to you.

Ron: "Hello, (Y/N)," Hermione greeted you happily as you sat down next to her at the Gryffindor dinner table. "What's that in your hand?" She pointed to the parchment in your hand. You handed it over to her wordlessly.

Detention with Snape. Save me some pudding, will you?? See u later. - Ron, it read in Ron's slanted scrawl.

Hermione finished reading and shook her head disbelievingly. "He got detention again?"

You stared at her, "You worried about that? I'm more concerned about how he manages to still think about pudding when he has a detention with old Oilylocks himself."

Draco: You were quite frantic about the upcoming OWLS, always reading and studying every moment you got. Draco had developed a habit of writing you encouraging notes in your textbooks.

Don't worry about your results, you'll do fantastic - Draco
Go and get a drink of water when you reach page 20 and a small snack on page 37. - Draco
Dinner's at seven, darling. Come down sharp or I'll find a way to drag you down from the dorm myself. - Draco
Love you. - Draco

Fred: Being the jokesters you were, you and Fred had invented a secret code of words that only the two of you knew how to decipher. Most of the time, the sentences turned out extremely strange, often giving you a hard time figuring it out, but it was still fun.

Carrothead saw small flying clown in the 6 floor corridor Meet in add this, add that, stir and explode room.
Kitty and Oily going to Hogsmeade.

George: There were times when Fred and George went off on some adventure and Goerge would leave you a note. They were very frequently bizarre, which was perfectly normal, seeig as they were always up to things that only existed in your wildest dreams.

One night it was:

Dear my beautiful girlfriend,
When you read this, Fred and I are probably already on our way to Umbridge's office to load slugs, frogs, spiders and all sorts of creepy crawlies about. Watch out for her later on, I wouldn't want my girlfriend to get infected with the Idiot plus slugs and frogs Illness.

<3 George

Neville: You felt something hit your head and you turned around to see what it was. Seeing a ball of scrunched up paper on the floor, you picked it up. Smooting it out, you read the message inside, Help me with the Potions essay, please? -Neville

You looked around for him and caught sight of him, he had a sheepish look on his face. Sorry, he mouthed. You smiled to say that it was fine. Then, you nodded.

He grinned at you before the both of you returned back to Professor Binn's dreadful lecture, you doodling on Neville's crumpled paper happily.

Oliver: You were in quarantine in the hospital wing, having come down with a rather sever case of high fever. No one was allowed to visit you, which was a bummer. Not even Oliver could come see you, which was an even bigger bummer. But he, clever boy, had found a loophole,

Every day he gave Madam Pomphrey a few notes written on parchment telling you about his day and about he and your friends missed you, mostly him though.

The day of the quidditch match had arrived and you waited impatiently for a note to slip under the door. When it did, you got up from your bed and scurried over to open it.

Inside were two words,

We won!

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