Moving In Together

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Harry: Ever since you told Harry that his godfather shared the same name as a constellation, he had been obsessed with stargazing. That's why while searching for an apartment, you two had chosen a penthouse suite in the tallest apartment available, where it was high enough for you to cast a spell which removed any obscurity from the sky. Where you could see the milky way in all its glory every night together.

Ron: The first thing Ron did when you had just moved into our very own home was hang his and yours countless annual Weasley jumpers up in the closets. Upon your asking why, he just smiled and said, "Somehow it makes it feel like home, to know there's a part of the Burrow somewhere." You had to admit, he was right.

Draco: Ever since you moved into your new home, you had noticed the constant squinting on Draco's part. You had brushed it off as something in his eye once or twice. But he seemed to only do it in certain rooms. Finally, you asked him why, to which he explained, "The sun is so bright. I'm not used to it. I was a Slytherin, remember?" You laughed and patted his arm, assuring him that he'll get used to it.

Fred: You and Fred christened your new home with a tickle fest, a Nerf gun battle (you won) and a pillow fort.  At night, he snuggled closer to you, so close that you could hear his heartbeat. Then he whispered softly into your ear sleepily before falling asleep, "Moving in with you was the best decision I've ever made."

George: As you stepped into your new apartment, you did a little twirl of giddiness. George followed after, just not twirling but chuckling as he set the box he had been holding onto the floor. "Guess this is it." He said, giving the box a little nudge to move it to the side. "Isn't this great? We finally have our own place together!" You said, dancing over to him. He caught you as you spun into his arms, laughing as he  said, "About time. Now let's go unload those boxes."

Neville: The first time you and Neville unpacked your various belongings in your new home, he had stumbled across a muggle contraption called a radio. He frowned, knowing he had also seen those tapes just a few seconds ago. Just as you sliced another box open, a soft tinkling sound made you halt. As the familiar chords of your favourite childhood song played, Neville slowly led you in a slow dance across the bare floors.

Oliver: As you loved to read, Oliver had made sure that your new home had come with plenty of built-in shelves for your books. The time you moved in, you didn't unpack much. Instead you had stumbled across some of your old books and had settled into a reading binge. Oliver had joined you soon after and the two of you escaped into fantasy together on the floor of your new home.

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