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Harry: Back when Harry still lived in the horror that was the Dursleys' house, he'd run to yours some nights, which was just opposite. These were the nights when he just needed someone to talk to who wouldn't sneer or ignore him. You would always be there with open arms and ways to keep his mind off of everything he wanted to run away from. It was only when it was early in the morning when you would reluctantly tell him that he should be going back home soon. He'd smile softly with a hint of sadness, "What if home is wherever I'm with you? What then?"

Ron: In your second year, you decided that all that trash about using only quills to write was all hogwash. So after the holidays, you came back armed to the teeth with pens, pencils, erasers and most importantly highlighter. How Snape and McGonagall expected you to memorize ten chapters of spells and ingredients without a context of what the content was all about baffled you. What confused Ron however, was everything you had bought over. He was most intrigued about the highlighters and the colourful trails they left behind. When explained to that they helped you remember certain information by means of their colours, he nodded as if he understood perfectly. "Like me and you then. I'm the paper and you're the highlighters. Without the clarity color you bought into my life, I would just be a jumbled mess of black and white.

Draco: There was a little something you did that Draco noticed. Something that he wasn't sure if you yourself noticed. He decided to conduct an experiment, taking a picture that both of you took a while ago with a few friends. He handed to you, asking if you liked the way it looked. Instead of commenting on yourself, you said something about how so and so looked really nice and how the one next to her was always so photogenic. In the small silence just then, Draco asked what about you. Fine was the answer. " Funny you should think that way cause I thought you looked beautiful that night." He said softly. "I guess I'm not over my demons enough to say the same." He guided your hand to his. "I'll help you rid of them. A butterfly deserves to know its beautiful."

Fred: The times you spent with Fred were always the best, but there was one particular moment that you couldn't seem to shake out of your mind. It was when you started dating, an earlier stage in your relationship. He was complaining a little about his stomach having butterflies and generally feeling really tingly. You, worried, asked if he needed any medical attention. He smiled and chuckled, "You call it that, my mother says its probably because I've done something wrong again, George tells me it's pre-prank nerves." He laughed again, smile showing in his eyes. "It might've been one of those things some time before, but not now. Now," he said this, looking directly at you, "I call it love."

George: Shifting through a photo album, you realized that in some specific pictures, George's smile was somehow so much more wider, bigger, happier. You asked laughingly what he said that made him so gleeful. He didn't laugh, but instead showed you a picture of him and Fred, in the background was the Black Lake. You remembered that day, it was the day you found a camera lying around and decided to mess around with it. Still, you didn't get why he was showing you it. "Who took this photo?" You said you did and George nodded. He flipped through a couple more, asking you the same question and every time getting the same answer. "You still don't get it?" He asked, chuckling when you shook your head. "I smile like that because I'm not looking at the camera, I'm looking at you."

Neville: Neville once said that he would never get into a relationship. Why would he, when he was so clumsy, so unattractive, so unlovable? He pictured being in a relationship and it scared him witless, to know that everything that he did backfired somehow every time and though he would do anything to prevent it from being so, he knew a relationship would be no exception. But then you came along and showed him that love was possible and changed his world. So he made sure to remind you every night that, "You broke my rules and showed me how to too."

Oliver: The story of how you met Oliver wasn't exactly a fairytale one. In fact, it was one of the most painful experiences of your life. You had crashed into him while flying on a broom. Safe to say, both of you were thrown off and sprawled onto the ground, which thankfully wasn't too far away to cause any injuries. Now when people asked you how you'd met, you mumble the story out with a red face while Oliver would laugh, "You know what they say, the best relationships are the ones you never saw coming."

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