Helping With Clothes and Other Stuff

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As in put on. Not take off. Alright. Minds out of gutter please, guys.

Or rather, don't. *waggles eyebrows*



Harry: You applied more lipgloss on as you leaned forward to the mirror. Harry was buttoning his dress shirt on, looking at you curiously. Once you were satisfied, you set the lipgloss down and turned to face Harry. "Harry, would you mind helping me for a bit?" You asked, holding up an emerald necklace. Harry walked over and took the emerald on a silver chain from you. "Hair up," he ordered and you did so, bunching your hair up carefully as he clasped the necklace around your neck. "All done," he said, receiving a chaste peck on the lips as a reward.

Ron: As you had been very close with the Weasley family since you were still a wee baby, Molly had considered you family since day 1. The outcome was that you always received a Weasley sweater every Christmas and it didn't helped matters that Molly always seemed to make your letter maroon to match Ron's, which subjected you to a buttload of teasing from the twins. Ron would help you slip it on and he would also help you to pulled your hair out of the neck of the sweater, which you thought was really sweet.

Draco: "You know what? You don't look half bad." You observed as you checked Draco out. He had a Gryffindor tie on, something you had persuaded him to try. You might have bribed him with a few kisses too, but that was just a minor detail. Draco smirked at you, "Please, (Y/N). I look good everyday." He said, earning a slap on the arm from you. He laughed before sobering up and wrapping his arms around you, "Honestly speaking though, you do make a rather good-looking Slytherin." He said, staring at the green and white tie you had on. It was his, by the way.

Fred: Your Weasley twin had somehow found a box filled to the brim with multicoloured ribbons. And now he was busying himself with trying to turn you into the most colorful and prettiest mummy ever. At least, that's what he said. He was currently tying butterfly knots around your left arm and you were watching him. When he got to your wrist, you said his name. He looked up, holding up a blue sparkly ribbon from the box, in the midst of tying the bunny ears. "You know you're going to help unwrap me, right?" You asked him with a raised eyebrow. "I'm always more than happy to unwrap a present, (Y/N)." He said, with a gleam in his eye before kissing your nose.

George: You were in Hogsmeade and you were also currently shivering your ass off. You had forgotten your scarf and jacket, for some miracalously stupid reason. You trailed behind your friends, crossing your arms in hope of aquiring some kind of warmth when a scarlet cloth came over your lips. You turned around, face half covered with scarf, to see George Weasley. He wound his scarf tighter around you and sent you on your way with a kiss and a wink. You definately felt warm after that.

Neville: Neville had arrived late to breakfast, with his hair messy and his robes crumpled. "What'd I miss?" He'd asked you as soon he sat down beside you on the Gryffindor table. "Your tie, apparently." You chided him and reached for the loose tie around his neck that was half under, half above his collar. You concluded he must've tried to stuff in it, but failed miserably. You helped him right it and he gave you a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

Oliver: Oliver's hands trembled as he tried to button up his Quidditch cloak. You watched him for a while as his hands slipped again and again. "Help?" He squeaked out o you, with an adorable helpless look on his face. You chuckled softly before walking to him and slipping the golden buttons into their respective holes. "You need help for that anxiety." You told him as you finished up the last button. "I already do." He smirked at you before kissing your lips.


First off, Im hella sorry for the really long wait for this update.

Second, but here it is with a lot of smooching and clothes. Youre welcome.

Third, this ones for all you baymax fans out there.

Fourth, who loves Tadashi Hamada?

Fifth, I do! *Cue heavy breathing*

Sixth, thats why i made a story about him, just a normal x reader

Seventh, normal as in a hella lot of chapters with nothing but endless fluff in them

Eight, check it out

Ninth, pwease.


Eleventh, byeeeeeeeeeeee


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