Chapter Ten (10)

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~~~~~~~~~   """""HOME"""" ~~~~~~~~~ 

The lights flickered on and off signaling that someone was there. "Come in." I said pulling the hat down over the cut and pausing the music.

"Hey." All of the girls said  stepping into the room.


"So how are you liking it here?" Perrie asked me as they sat on my bed.

"Uh, so far so good. You guys?" I said sitting up.

"It's good, a little hot." Sophia said crossing her legs.

"No offense, but this in NOT hot Texas is HOT, humid, and yet very awesome."


I nodded. I felt a pain in my knee and rubbed it.

"How's your knee?" El asked.

"Good, it still hurts, but, other than that, good. Do you mind if I put music on while we talk?"

"Sure. Have you been taking the medicine?" Eleanor asked looking worried.

"No. But then again I should be using my crutches to, but today I didn't. " They looked at me shocked. I put on 'Pixie Lott' 'Mama Do'

"Why not?" Sophia asked looking very serious as well as the others.

"I don't really listen to doctors' but I know what to do. " I shrugged while saying that.

"Then why don't you do it?" El said gently.

"Why? So other people could look at me? So they can help me just because of the crutches?" They looked at each other with a knowing look. Oh gosh I know this is leading to.

"So you don't want attention?" Yep that's what it was leading to.

"I'm fine with the attention. But it's the PITY attention that I don't like. That's another reason why I'm here. Did the guys tell you what happened the day they adopted me?" They all shook their heads NO. I was expecting that answer.

" When we were walking out of the office where I was told I was being adopted, this girl that looks like an Ompa Loopa came and punched me. So I punched back and we tried to fight it out there, and all of the guys had to drag me to my room. Yada yada so now here I am." I said gesturing to myself and the room after I said that

"I can assure you, they didn't adopt you out of pity. I talked to Louis the day they adopted you, he said they adopted you because you could manage yourself." Eleanor told me squeezing my leg. Then another shot of pain shot through my knee.

"Fine I give up, I want my pills." I said, getting up and grabbing my crutches, then thought of something. "Sorry for interrupting you Eleanor."

"That's fine. You can call me El." She said giving me a small smile, and getting off my bed with the rest of the girls and walking towards the door.

"So how old are you Cindi?" Perrie asked me as we made our made our way down the stairs where the boys were.


"So how do we tell her?" I heard one of the guys say.

"Tell her what?" I asked practically scaring them.

Queue Awkward Silence

"That we are going to take you shopping." El said putting her arm around my shoulders.

The guys looked relived. What the hell is going on?

"Although that's not what they want to hide, I'll take it since I need something for Sammy and I want new shoes. Excuse me." I said making my way towards the kitchen to get the painkillers..

 ~~~~~~At the mall ~~~~~~~~

We've been at the mall for about an hour, and not a single thing has been bought for me to wear. I've bought glow in the dark nail polish or nail varnish as the girls call it. But I also bought some clothes for Cady, also about three rings, a necklace and a bracelet that says 'KEEP CALM AND STFU', and a ring that says "Bitch" and "Jerk".

We were going into Forever 21 now and I found a shirt and jeans.

"Hey Cindi look at this, isn't it just gorgeous?" Perrie said holding up a pink floral dress. That being said the other girls  joined in.

"Yeah go try it on." Eleanor said practically shoving me towards the dressing rooms.

"Three?" The lady asked


"Yes! You are trying on that dress."

"You guys are just lucky that I'm crippled right now." Oh I forgot to mention that Niall had a knee brace so I was using that and NOT the crutches. The only bad thing about dislocating my knee is the fact that I can't train until its healed.

"Are you done yet. We want to see." Sophia asked

I didn't answer her just opened the curtain and walked out.

"Oh my gosh, you look so pretty!" I had a feeling that I was blushing. "We have to buy it."

"No!" I said groaning and trying to go back into the room.

"You are not leaving this dress" Perrie said grabbing my shoulders and shaking me, then turned me to face the mirror that was in the dressing room. "Look, you look absolutely beautiful in it." I looked at myself, this is going to sound so girly but I felt pretty.

"Fine. I'll get it." They all cheered. We went to pay for the things. They paid so I was buying them something to eat.

~~~~~~~~~~~   Home  ~~~~~

We were all watching a movie. When it ended I got up and went to my room, grabbed my laptop and went to Wattpad. There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" 


   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Harry  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm asleep. Leave a message after the tone."  really? I just opened the door and walked in closed the door and went to sit on her bed.

"I could've been changing." She said not even looking up from her computer.

"I knew you weren't. You already had on your shorts and t-shirt." I said leaning over and closed her laptop.

"I was reading that." She said looking up at me.

"We need to talk."

"'Bout what?" She said putting the computer on the nightstand and crossing her arms.

"I think you know what."

"No we don't. And if there was two of you that saw where's the other one?"

"He went out."

"Fine what do we need to talk about?"

"Why were you out that night?"

"I already told you. I went to Sammy's house. What were you going to tell me this afternoon?" Crap. I can't tell her.

"What do you mean." Really Styles?

"You know before I left with the girls to the mall? You guys were trying to figure out how to tell me something, what was it?"

"I can't tell you."

"Well then I can't tell you all the details about what happened. Now if you will leave, I have school tomorrow." She said laying down and covering her head. Then I thought about that night again, she had a gauze on. How?

"Well the least you could do is tell me how you got the bullet out."

"I know people."  that was all she said. "Can you leave now? I have school, like I said before."

"Fine, goodnight Cindi." I said and she uncovered her head.

"Night Harold." She said

"Please don't call me Harold." I said walking towards the door and turning the light off and closing the door. 

"GOODNIGHT HAROLD!" She shouted after I closed the door.

We adopted the towns hero!? (1D fan Fiction) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now