Chapter Thirteen (13)

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"Cindi! Wake up!" I was being shaken awake by a familiar voice.

"What are you doing here, Sammy?" I asked sitting up in my bed. I went to turn on the lamp I have on the stand.

"Don't." She said putting her hand on my arm, with a shaky voice. I connected the dots.

"How bad are they?" I clicked the lamp on either way. What I saw was sickening. Busted lip, black eye, blood on her cheek, it was still gushing. I looked at the window there was a bloody hand print on it. I went to look closer, I barely touched her cheek when she flinched away.

"Just help me, please Cindi." I got up and told her to wait on the bed while I went to get the first aid kit. I went and came faster than I thought was possible. When I got in my room she had taken her jacket off and was sitting on my bed crying her eyes out. I made sure to lock the door, from there I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of PJ's. I went to the bed and started cleaning her face.

"I'm going to kill him." I said while cleaning her lip.

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am. This is the third time he's beaten you, and you are still with him. I am going to kill him."

"He loves me Cindi." I got up angry.

"So him beating you is a sign of love!" I yelled at her.

"You're just jealous."

"Yeah, yeah of course, I am. I don't have anyone beating me when I go over to their place every time. Yeah I am so unbelievably jealous of that. God, when are you going to wake up? The only thing he loves about you is the fact that you don't stop him."

"Shut up!" She went to slap me but I grabbed her arm.

"You and I both know it's true. The only reason you're still with the dick head is because you don't think that anyone will love you again." I said and let her arm go.

"I've tried." She said, barely whispering. She walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Tried what?" I said sitting down next to her.

"Tried ending it. Tonight actually." She started crying again.

"And he did this?" she nodded. I got up and went to my drawers, grabbed my camera and a memory card. "Stand up."

"What are you doing?" She asked while standing up. I didn't say anything just took pictures of her face. I went to my closet and got my hood on and every thing else.

"go to sleep." I told her as I walked to the window and opened it.

"Cindi don't!"

"You can't tell me not to protect my friend. That douche bag is getting what he deserves. He's not getting away with this."

She didn't say anything just walked to my bed and lied down. "Don't hurt him too much." she said with her back towards me.

"No promises." I exited my room and went to his apartment.


His friend had just left the place. I cut the power to his room and went in.

"Daren Simon!" I said grabbing his shoulders and throwing him to the floor, then put my foot on his chest to keep him down. I loaded my bow.

"What are you doing here? I thought you go after criminals!" He said panicked and struggled against my foot. Weak.

"You are a criminal. I saw what you did to Sammy. Do you feel like a man when you push her around?"

I haven't been this mad and disgusted at anyone before this.

"How di-"

"Did I know?" pulled back the string " Sammy and I are close, so close that we're like the same person."

He flipped me over and was now on top of me throwing punches and everything he had.

"You didn't deserve her! You don't deserve anyone! The way that you treat women. You disgust me!" I said and punched him then i got him in a triangle hold then he went out cold.

I had trouble getting him to the sidecar, I had already tied him up and made sure that he didn't wake up.


I dropped Darren off at the police station making sure that the memory card was with him. I also left a note telling them what he did. As soon as I left the cops had him in custody.

I headed home and actually parked the bike in the garage they had. Lucky for me it was empty, as for the side car I left that in the hiding spot.

As soon as I got inside the window I took the hood off and went to the shower with my clothes in hand.When I was making my way to the room I saw the door opened. That was closed when I left it. I quickened my pace and saw Harry sitting next to Sammy. (Who was still sleeping (creeper much?))How the hell did he get in??

"What happened to her?" he said looking at me with hurt in his eyes

"Ex-boyfriend happened." I said closing the door.

"Where were you?"

"Taking care of business." I could tell that I said that with disgust.

"It's you isn't it?"


"The Duo? The town's hero, it's you isn't it?"

"What makes you think that I am one of those people?"

"The gun wound." He got off the bed and walked to my closet and emptied the laptop case where I had everything. "And that." He said pointing to the stuff.

"Why were you looking through my things?"

"I was looking for your laptop charger."

"That's bull."

"I wanted to see what you were doing. Looking for a clue since you never tell us anything." 

"There's a reason for that you know?" I said gathering up all of my things of  the floor.

"What? That you don't trust us?"

"That one. And the fact that if anyone finds out that the Town's Hero is a 14 year-old girl that's adopted by One Direction they will come after you. To see if I've told you idiots anything about my next move. I'm not exactly on many bad people's Good List I'm on their Hit List."

"Why were you out so late?" He said looking for some truth.

"Sammy's boyfriend has been beating her two months after they started going out. She tried to end it tonight, that's what happened. I had to teach him a lesson." I said as I closed the closet door then looked over to Sammy who was sleeping.

"Business." he said remembering what I had told him earlier.

"Yes. Can we sleep now?"

"Fine. Take care of her." He said while walking to the door.

"Always have, always will."

"Good night."

I didn't say anything just nodded.

We adopted the towns hero!? (1D fan Fiction) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now