Chapter 2: Finally
I didn't pay much attention to the picture. I went down stairs and put it in my suitcase. Who were they? Where they relatives? Old friends? I don't know. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5;05 pm. "He'll be here soon" I said to myself.
As I watched t.v while waiting for my dad, the door opened. "Hey Jessi" Chris said. "Hey Chris" I smiled at him. "Your still here? I thought you left" "Nah still waiting" I replied sighing. "I'll be back, I'm gonna take a shower, if you leave earlier let me give you a hug" he smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back and smiled. "love you Jessi." "Love you too" I said as he ran up the stairs.
30 minutes later passed and my dad hasn't come yet. Chris came running down stairs and noticed I was still here. "Your still here?" He questioned. "Yea, dad's late, like always" I said angrily "I bet he is almost here, be patient" he said. "I tried 30 minutes ago!" I yelled. "Calm down Jessi, call him" he said. "Okay" I said annoyed.
"Hello?" "Dad! Where are you? Your 30 minutes late!" I said angrily. "Jessica, calm down, the concert starts at 7 and its 5:40, I'm almost there I see your street." He said calmed. "Okay bye" I said hanging up. "What did he say?" I heard Chris say. "He says he's close by." I said Rolling my eyes. "He's almost here then" he said smiling. I smiled weakly back.
"Jessi" Chris said. "Yea" I replied. "Don't get into any trouble, your gonna be in California for the whole summer, I'm not gonna see you for almost 3 months" he said depressed while looking at the floor. "I'm gonna miss you a lot and just take care kid" "Don't worry Chris I'll stay out of trouble, and I'm gonna miss you too." I said pouting. I hugged Chris and he hugged back. Chris is like an older brother, he has helped me thru the years and when my dad wasn't around.
As we broke the hug I heard the door knock. "Come one" Chris said. I followed behind as he opened the door. " finally" I said rolling my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw this odd man. "Uh.. Chris who's this?" I whispered to Chris. "Really Jessi? He's your dad" he whispered back. "Hi Jessi" the odd man said to me. "Uhh.. Dad?" I said surprised and confused. "Yea, I know I've changed a lot, I've been working out." He smirked. I laughed and got my suitcase.
"Well, I guess this is good bye." I faced Chris. "Yea, I'll see you later kid." He smiled weakly. I hugged him one last time and left. We entered a limo and drove off. "I don't get a hug?" Dad said smiling. I hugged me, real hard. I missed him so much. A tear rolled down my cheek, I wiped it real fast and sat back down. "I'm sorry I haven't visited you for more than 3 months, I've been busy with so many things, I guess you know I forget." He said depressed. I looked out the window then to him. "It's okay I understand." I smiled, he smiled back.
We talked about how we've been and how things are going. When we got the place my heart was racing really fast. I got nervous and saw many fans. "Come on let's go to the back" dad said. "Okay." I followed him. There were guys standing in front of a door. Dad said something to them and we got in. I wonder what he told then. "Jessi I want you to stay in this room, DON'T wonder around." He said clearly. "Dad, I'm 15" "still stay here don't leave this room until I come." He eyeballed me. "Okay" I said with an attitude. He left the room leaving me alone. "Great." I rolled my eyes.
The room was medium sized. Had two coaches and a t.v. I looked at my phone and it was 6:30. "Yes, I'll finally see my idol." I said smiling. I checked on twitter and saw Justin tweet "Getting ready for the show, love you New York :)" 20 minutes laters, i looked at my phone and saw it was 6:50. The show was about to start. I couldn't leave the room. I had to find dad. I searched for dad. Woah, this place was huge. I finally found dad. He was talking to a boy. "Dad!" I screamed He turned around and his face was surprised, so was the boy.
The boy was Justin Bieber. "Dad?" Justin questioned. All of us were speechless.

My Brother is Justin Bieber
FanfictionJessica has never truly known what a family is. Her father is always busy, and she's never met her mother. All changes from one night. Finding out your brother is Justin Bieber isn't easy, especially when the world knows too. Jessica learns thru ou...