Chapter 4: California
Jeremy and I arrived at the airport. Finally. It was 2 in the morning and I was tired. Jeremy stared at me the whole ride. I thought a lot about what just happened. How could they do this? I couldn't think straight. For some reason I thought about Justin. As we got on the plan I sat in the back. I wanted to be alone and get my thoughts straight.
I listened to music trying to fall asleep. I saw 3 boys entering the plane. Oh no. It was Justin, Alfredo, and Za. They sat in the middle. I tried to hide so they wouldn't see me. I listened to their conversation.
"So Justin what are you gonna do this summer?" Alfredo said. "Nothing, just chilling and maybe go to the studio to clear my mind." Justin replied. "Clear your mind of what?" Za asked. "Crazy thing just happened." Justin said. Oh shoot. He's gonna tell them about me! I was leaning in my chair to try and listen. I leaned to far and fell. Fuck. The 3 of them both turned around and looked at me shocked. "Who's that?" Alfredo asked. "Jessica?" Justin said coming toward me picking me up.
"Uhh.. Yea" I said embarrassed. "What are you doing here? He asked. "I'm here with da- I'm mean Jeremy, remember?" I replied. "Oh yeah" he said. "Guys, this is Jessica, my ... Cousin." Justin said giving me a look.
"Uhh yeah, cousin." I smiled at them. "Hey Jessica I'm Alfredo and that Za." Alfredo said as Za waved at me. "Hi." I replied shyly. "Aww don't be shy" Justin cooed. Alfredo and Za laughed. I got angry and blushed. "Shut up! I'm going back to my seat." I said angrily turning around. "No, come with us." Justin said smiling.
"Nah, I'm real tired, I'm gonna sleep" I said going to my seat. "You should've done that instead of eavesdropping" Justin said laughing. I turned around and gave him a look. He laughed and went back with the guys. I looked out the window waiting till the plane was on the ground . I slowly drifted to sleep.
I woke up to the sound of laughing. I looked around and saw Justin laughing. I chuckled and looked at my phone. It was 9:20 am. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked horrible. My makeup was smudged, I looked real tired and my hair was a mess. I cleaned myself and tied my hair In a ponytail. I came out and sat in my seat. I listened to music and looked out the window. I felt someone sit next to me.
"Hey" Justin said. "Hey" I replied. "How did you sleep?" He asked. "Good, but still tired." I replied. "You can sleep all you want when we get to the house." He said smiling. We? "Uh what do you mean WE?" I asked confused. "Jeremy wanted you stay with me." He added. "What?" I said still confused. "Jeremy and you are gonna stay at my house, he thought we would bond more" he said smiling weak.
"Oh okay" I said smiling to myself. "Justin?" "Yea?" He replied. "Why did you tell them that i was your cousin and not your sister." I said sadly. "Umm.. I don't know I guess I couldn't tell them now, but I told them when you were sleeping, they were shocked but they understood. They're sleeping right now." He said.
"Oh why are you awake?" I asked. "I couldn't sleep, I'm still shocked about the whole thing, I mean our parents kept this a secret ." He said. "I couldn't sleep either, I mean having your brother being Justin Bieber and talking to you right now it's just weird. I was your biggest fan and I would think you were hot.." I said shyly. "Well I'm 19 and sexy." He said smirking.
I laughed really hard. "What's so funny? I am sexy you know." He laughed with me. "Nothing it's just funny" I said as I held my stomach. "Hey Justin, Jessica" Jeremy said to us. "Hey" Justin and I replied. "We'll be landing soon, and did Justin already tell you Jessi?" Jeremy asked. "Yeah, we'll be staying with him" I replied. "Da- I mean Jeremy can we talk?" I said to Jeremy. I'm still mad and I can't call him dad, I don't know why, knowing your father is Jeremy Bieber is shocking. We walked a far away from Justin. "Jeremy I-" "Please don't call me Jeremy, it brakes my heart." He said looking at the floor.
"Dad, I don't know about living with Justin.. It's weird, I'm still not used to this, you and Pattie have kept this from us... And I'm not gonna call you dad, just Jeremy" I said walking away from him. "Why? I'm still your dad, not a stranger" he said as he grabbed my wrist. "You are a stranger! I never see you and I find out your Jeremy Bieber? And my mom is Pattie, Justin Biebers's mom! And it's to much for me." I said as I began to cry.
"Honey, I'm sorry this is too much for you, we'll figure it all out you, mom, Justin and I, just don't cry." He said smiling. "No I can't, I'm gonna go back and sit with Justin." I said leaving. I sat down and cried. "What's wrong?" Justin said. "Everything." I replied. Justin hugged me, real hard. "I know this is to much for you, it is a lot for me too, but we'll figure it out." He said still hugging me. I cried into his arms and felt better.
2 hours later we arrive in California. So much different from New York. As I got my suitcase, I saw Justin smiling at me. I smiled back and got out of the plane. "Jessica wait!" Justin yelled before I got out of the plane. "What?" I said to him. "There's lots of paparazzi outside and they'll say things." Justin said. "So?" I said annoyed. "They'll say shit that isn't real about you." He said. "Kay, I'll wear my hoodie even if it 90 degrees out here!" I said annoyed.
Justin laughed and got out. I walked behind Jeremy. We got inside the car and put our suitcases in the back. I sat next to Justin. We then arrived at his huge mansion. "Woah!" I said really loud. Everyone looked at me and laughed. I chuckled and got out of the car. I think everyone who was with Justin knows we're brother and sister. They were all shocked.
We went inside and it huge. I observed the beautiful house. "Come Jessica ill show you to your room." Justin said holding my hand. We ran upstairs and went inside a huge room with a beautiful view. "Omg this room is amazing!" I said as I sat on the bed. Justin laughed and so did I. "Do you like it?" Justin smirked "Of course!" I said really loud. "Get some sleep cause someone will be arriving." Justin said. "Who?" I asked. "You'll see" he smiled and left.
Who is coming?

My Brother is Justin Bieber
FanficJessica has never truly known what a family is. Her father is always busy, and she's never met her mother. All changes from one night. Finding out your brother is Justin Bieber isn't easy, especially when the world knows too. Jessica learns thru ou...