Chapter 26: Busted

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Chapter 26: Busted

Mark was leaning closer and closer and so was I.

Then the door flew open.

I bounced away from Mark and noticed that it was Justin.

Who's face was shocked. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Justin yelled.

"I-I I um.." I stuttered. I looked over at Mark to show that I needed him to say something.

"We were um-" "WERE YOU TWO ABOUT TO KISS? IN MY HOUSE?" Justin yelled even louder.

I was getting annoyed and mad. "We didn't do anything!" I explained myself. "Oh really, because when you kiss you're faces aren't close to each other." he sarcastically said.

I rolled my eyes. "So! I'm 15 almost 16. I can kiss whoever I want!" I said. Then quickly put my hand in my mouth noticing that Mark was still in the room.

I blushed a little then focused on Justin. "It doesn't matter!" He yelled. "How about you?! you kissed someone when you were about 12!" I yelled back. "Without mom knowing!" I added.

He thought about it for a minute then shook his head. "That's not the point!" he said. I rolled my eyes and walked toward Mark.

"I think you should go." I said. He nodded his head in understandment. "Um yeah, I'll see you later." he said a little nervous. He looked at something and I glanced to where he was looking.

Looking at a furious Justin. That's was made him nervous and scared. I rolled my eyes.

"No you won't be seeing her later buddy, BYE!" he yelled. Mark rushed out the door. Leaving me in along in a room with an angry Justin.


"I'm gonna be at the studio later. And you know the memo." Justin told me.

"Why did you ground me! you're not my mom!" I yelled throwing my hand up.

"Yeah but I take care of you. My house my rules." Justin smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm like your guardian." He added walking down the stairs. I followed him.

"No Chris is. Even he wasn't as strict as you." I crossed my arms. "Whatever you're still grounded." He said. I groaned and sat on the sofa.

That reminds me. I miss Chris so much. I haven't seen him in a month. That's a lot! I mean I was always with him. I miss him.

I'm gonna call him to see how he is. I dialed Chris's phone number and saw Justin come in the room so i hung up until he left.I slowly backed away from him.

"When you're grounded you can't have your phone." he came toward me. "No! I need to talk to Chris!" I said and backed away.

"Who's Chris?" Justin asked. I gasped at his words. "He's like my other brother! my guardian! the one that has been talking care of me for like ever!" I almost yelled.

"Oh yeah him." Justin rolled his eyes. I rose an eyebrow. "What do you mean yeah him?" I crossed my arms.

"Don't like the guy." he shrugged. "why not! he's awesome! i thought he was my real brother when we were younger. I thought he was so coo-" I stopped talking.

Justin walked out the room into the kitchen. What's his problem? whatever.

10 minutes later he came out and sat on the other couch. "Alfredo and Ryan are coming over." he said. "Why?" I asked.

"To have a tea party." Justin faked smiled. "Oh I'll bring my stuffed animals." I played along and got up. "Sit down you idiot." he chuckled.

"Then why?" I asked again. "Since you're grounded, I can't let you leave. And since you didn't follow step one." he said and snatched my phone. "Hey!" I said. I tried reaching for it but I failed.

"So Alfredo and Ryan are gonna be watching you. Making sure you won't leave." He added. "What makes you sure that I'll leave?" I rose an eyebrow.

Justin just leaned back and eyed me. And rose an eyebrow. Ohhhhhhh.

"Shut up!" I covered my face. "And I do follow the rules I just needed to talk to Chris." I said.

"Chris Chris Chris shut up already!" he rolled his eyes. I was about to say something until the door bell rang.

Justin got up and went to the door. I groaned when that happened.

Why was he being an ass about Chris? he met Chris before. Chris is nice and cool and awesome and like a brother to me that I never had.


Walked in this two boys. "You guys know the drill. Later." Justin sighed and left. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey." Ryan said. "Um hi."i said back.

"I'm Ryan and this is Alfredo." Ryan clarified. "Yeah I know. We've met." I giggled.

"I told you idiot." Alfredo smacked Ryan. "Ow!" Ryan whined.

I just giggled and was amused. Then I got an idea.

Lets play with them for a minute.

"So have you guys ever took care of anyone?" I smirked.

"Nope." Ryan answered. "Yeah but only little kids. I mean you seem quiet and calm." Alfredo smiled.

I smiled back. But more like a laughing smile.

"So what are you planning to do for now" Ryan asked grabbing the remote for the t.v

"Oh nothing." I smirked. I leaned on my couch. "Just nothing." I whispered.


•lol what is Jessica gonna do? hehehe.

•101 votes wohhoo!

•sorry if this is short.

•Next Chapter will be released if I get

1,000 reads

110 votes.

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