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Bella's POV:

"What?",I raised my eyebrows questioning ,in response I got her full set of 32 teeth again open wide I quickly turned to the mirror in the corner of the cafeteria I wore a black tank top with white jeans as my light brown curls loosened on my shoulder I looked fine just the way I left home I turned to her again where she was flashing her brilliantly annoying smile again the reason of which I couldn't figure out "I'm looking absolutely fine stop looking at me like that",I'm pointed she said nothing instead her smile grew wider "Stella,are you nuts? ",I furrowed my eyebrows she nodded her head still smiling "makes sense then",I replied picking my mobile from the table as it was ringing Angel*-* name was flashing I hit the answer button
"Heyyy!!",she almost shouted
"Hiiii!!how are you girly!?",I returned the gesture back
"I'm fine..just missing you alot!!my ride back home from college is sooo boring without you! By the way are you coming to London this vacations?",she asked
"I miss you too Angel!!Summer break is starting from tomorrow it's our last day tomorrow of college annnnnddd maybe we could then visitors London then ",I said as she squealed
"hey?how is Stella?where is she ? In her class?",Angela asked as I looked up to Stella and sighed she was still smiling
"No,she is herw it's our half time but we had our last class so well be heading home but...Stella isn't well she gone nuts",I muttered
"What happened",Angela chuckled "I really have no idea she's smiling like crazy for no apparent reason at all ",I replied " she doing any better?I mean ya know Justin..",Angela trailed off "yes,she is better but it will take time ",I said Stella raised her eyebrows questioningly "talking about Mums leg",I mouthed tge lie to Stella I don't wnat her to get sad again in return she smiled "Oh how I wish we could meet up!its been forever!! ",Angela frowned "I wish it was that easy Angel,maybe we can meet this summer lets hope the wounds are still not deep",I said as my face fell
"Yea..hey Bella? I'll catch you later huh ? Ashton is calling out for me for dinner love you Byee!",she said "Yea , love u too bye!" The line went dead
"Lets go home yeah?",Stella asked "ermm.Stells? Will you drive please?I'm not feeling like driving",I requested she nodded taking the keys from my hand as we hopped in our cars
Angela reminded me again of the things happened the last couple of years .............
Harry got real pissed off as soon as he got the news that luke and I broke up specially when I needed him the most reason behind our break up I kept it to myself other wise luke would've been dead but harry was soo pissed off that he couldn't stand living the same place luke was on the other hand Stella was getting worse and worse every single place in London just always reminded her of Justin so the Tomlinson's and Styles agreed on moving out to Sydney where Uncle Jeff bought us a large bunglow he also moved in with us .Stella and I are in the college it's kind of an amazing college with amazing friends we both are best friends with Maya,Riley,Lucas and Farkle they are like my second family we hangout,we mess up,we laugh ,we are bestest of friends but I still miss Angela and Jessica we still have a really really really good bond between us we all are still family despiting whatever is happened between luke luke and I harry and harry and luke on weekends we Skype Cliffords and Hemmings im in touch with Michael ,Ashton and Calum and YES! Louis,liam,Niall and Harry joined and formed a band named One direction and they got real famous lately Zayn is still on his solo and been doing really good we Skype the boys when we are are all together for dinner cause we always find those 5 together like I said Alot has changed but bonds between our family is still still same I'm in touch with EVERYONE other than luke.....
I don't have any idea if he is still alive or not no one talks about him around me I usually cry myself to sleep I still can't get over the fact that he was the reason Justin is not with us..Is still have feelings for Luke true love never dies..
We haven't met Cliffords and Hemmings since years! Yes,years!
Tomorrow is the last day of our college and the  we'll be stepping in the university now..see?
Also I haven't seen any of the boys since two years recently they did their world tour and dropped their album I miss them all they all arw like my brothers but the most obviously Obviously I miss harry ...
"EARTH TO BELLA!!",I'm was snapped out of my thoughts by Stella waving her hand in front of my eyes "Are you OKAY? ",she asked "Yeah Yeah yeah lets go",I'm said and she smiled widely like before "Stella!Im sick of this reason less smile!",I complained "you'll got use to it",she winked as I rang the doorbell twice "Why isn't anyone opening? ",I asked and Stella, stela shrugged and before ringing it again Gemma opened it "What took you soo long?",I asked "Me and Shawn were upstairs, meanwhile Austin is in his room and mum and Johanna arw cooking ",she explained "the rest?",Stella asked "gone somewhere ",she spoked as I made my way to the kitchen "Hey!",I said "Hi sweeties,how was the day?"?Johanna asked "it was good mum!",Stella rwplied and after a while everyone was smiling like Stella was "Why are you all smiling!?",I said frustratedly "smiling isn't bad",Gemma said sipping on her juice "yes..For no reason? HOW COOL!",I said "oaky go get fresh food is almost ready",Mum Said as Stella and I headed upstairs "hey girl!",Austin greeted "Hi! ",Stella replied happily I kept in staring the way they both were smiling again
"Agh!!! This smile!",I stormed off to mine and  Stella's  room

---After 20 min----
I laid on my bed and unlocked my mobile which had 3 messages
One was from louis one was from Maya and tge other from Farkle
Farkyy:p: be ready at 5 Bells! Ice cream it is okay?
Me:yaaaaaay Yaaaaayyy! !!ice cream!! Will you ask Maya out tonight? Be quick at it!!
I closed his and opened the other one
May*-*: Bellssssssssssssssss!!!! Are you both headed to home? Lucas said you didn't attended English! Riley said Stella was not there at History!!  Farkle said he didn't saw you and I.....Well I sipped on my drink
Me:Shut up!!!!!! Yes headed home forgot to inform sorry!
Meet u at 5
I then opened louis
Boobear;): *------------------------* SMIIIILLEEE
I stared at the screen it's weird he never says stuff like that
Somethings definetly up!!!
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First chapter!!
Sorry if it turned out bad
Will get better my school is on sooo..UNDERSTAND XD
Well ,.....comment and vote
Take care lovelies! !
-Sabrina xx

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