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"Peeerriiiieeeeee!!",I screamed and hugged her tight "Bellaaa!!!",she screamed back as I laughed and was crushed in Eleanor hug "ELLLLLLLL!!",I shouted she giggled "Bellayyysss!!",She screamed yeah like practically screamed "Why do u guys keep on surprising me?I thought you left last week that's what you guys told me",I crossed my arms "cause you love surprises hun",Eleanor smiled and stepped aside revealing a very pretty blonde girl "Bella,that's Elise ..Elise that's Bella,harry's little sister",perrie introduced "Hi!!",I said excitedly but her response was over whelming she engulfed me in a big tight hug when the goes emerged so I excused myself to text Stella who went out with niall to get food I flew upstairs and picked my phone to text her (A/N THE BOLT ONE ARE STELLA'S TEXT)
                                   JELLS STELLS ;)

If I could fly I'll be coming right back home to u :p
-hey girl I'm waiting on yeah!?;)
It's It's a long way down from here xx
-you need that one thing and IVE GO THAT ONE THING XD
Be quick girl , ILL SHOW YOU

I slipped my phone inside my pocket chuckling at our silliness and stepped out and how how I wished I hadn't Shawn a Shawn and Gemma were cuddling on the couch louis and eleanor were cooozying u on the floor liam skyping  Angela Zayn and Perrie were making some cute videos and laughing harry and Elise were clicking pictures.......
These are all the memories I've ever shared with a guy with my love with my soul mate I miss him everything we did together every single memory we cherished every words ever exchanged I miss it all I miss him I miss luke I wish whatever happened to us just would've ever took place and I could be with him next to him I wish I could feel him at least see him a quick glance of him and there is only one chance of this....LONDON..maybe in front of the girlfriends all of them change their mind....
"Ehem ehem",I fake coughed as I heard liam saying goodbye and straightened and everyone turned towards me "guys I wanna ask something..",I trailed on nervously "if this is about London,then Bella you know our answer",Harry shrugged his shoulders "but why harry?what's wrong going over there?I just wanna see the girls!!",I tried to explain "no Bella!! It's not that! You don't wanna go to the girls!",he said standing abruptly "oh yeah? Then who is there I would like to go to",I crossed my arms fearing the answer "luke it is right!?",he said sternly "think whatever u want to I wanna go there that's it!",I threw ed my hands in the air frustratedly he furiously stepped forward "if you wanna go to the person cause of whom you were broken because of whom you were shattered because of whom you were not responding to life because of whom you were acting lifeless because of whom u were depressed beacuse of whom you shook it out of everyone if you wanna go to the person who never cared who left you when you needed him the most and wanna kill yourself that way then go on!!Go on!! Kill yourself for the boy who never will care and make us four from five!!snatch yourself away from us put us again into the state we were three years ago go to London and repeat what happened three years back!!",he screamed on top of his lungs sending shivers down the body as tears started flooding my eyes "Harry! Mate,calm down! !",Liam settled a hand at his shoulder but harry shrugged it away "NO!she needed to know the truth!!",he shouted TRUTH?WHAT TRUTH? He doesn't even know the truth he was referring to was just the title of the story !what is inside the book he doesn't know no one knows and now is the time they should know I can't keep in anymore!
"Truth..",I started "Harry, you really wanna know the truth right?If luke left me when I needed him the most then where YOU since past these two years where were you when I was broken  .where were you when I use to call you and you were always in hurry where were you when I was shattered where were you when  I was lifeless where were you when I use to text to you and you use to reply freaking next day where were you when I wanted comfort and you were touring where were you when I...",I wiped the tears away took a deep breath so I don't say those things was no turning back have to get this off my chest I groaned "Harold,where were you when I started cutting where we're you when I tried to kill myself where were you when I cry myself to sleep where were you when I had sleepless nights where were you when I almost died..Harry,you werent there! If luke don't care then where the hell fid you care!!
Caring is not always Bellssssssssssssssss or its gonna be okay because nothing will be okay! For being okay you should be here! Where I lost Justin where I lost luke ..Harry,  I practically lost you too if I lost my love then I lost my brothers too Justin physically and you harry....I'm sorry how it sounds..but you were the closest person I ever had you were the closest family member I hate saying it bit it's too late I'll loose myself anytime but this time because of.....leave!ugh!leave you'll never understand! ",I frustratedly wiped my face off and ran in my room I broked him I didn't mean to do it I took it all off my chest but it feels soo wrong....
The tears rushed out as my hand hit my playlist that's when ..
Where do broken hearts go  came up...
Harry sang this song but did he ever realized that all broken hearts leaves you forever hopeless  we name it as Death
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Heyyy Amazings! !!
I'm soo sorry for making it a bit late tho
My wifi got cuckoo in his head *duck faces*
Welll....hope it makes up to you
Don't forget to comment and vote
Take care *---*
Sabrina xx

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