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The silence filled the car and the sky was painted in Explosive colors that complimented the beautiful night sky.

I was awestruck by such a beautiful sight that I didn't even know there was blazing music in crisp autumn air.

I was shook back into reality when the car came in a halt. And we all got of the car to a line of people waiting at the so called 'party' that I would have pretty much have mistaken it for a Beyoncé concert.

This is where is got weird.

Two massive dudes with muscles bulging out of the black v neck walk up to jason and escorts him almost forgetting me and Emma existed.

But he quickly turned around and gestured to follow him and the massive humans on his sides.

"this is ridiculous" I whisper to Emma and all she could say was " it gets weirder" I start to think of imaginable things after she said that.

And things did get weirder. We just freakin CUT LINE!!!! And after that we trail Jason and his muscled  friends to a back entrance that somehow lead to what looked like the backstage.

Only thing I could say were " are these people freakin mafia's?" All I could hear was Jason chuckle in the front and of course how could you miss the absurdly loud music.

We then reach the entrance of the stage that I blindly walked onto but was pulled back by Jason. I raise an eyebrow and he signals the stage in front of me and I realize I was just about to embarrass myself in front of loads of people. I mouth a small thank you and Jason just smirks.

God can he only smirk???.

I slowly creep at the edge of the entrance of the stage to see the artist

It was a boy around my age bobbing his head to the music played, as his fingertips danced around the soundboard with just technique and swiftness. He seemed to be in sync with his art and sort of sparked a sense of respect towards his passion.

What kind of a feeling would it be to have the crowds happiness on your fingertips? And he never took advantage of it.

I guess he was over with his session that he was wrapping up but I could see a smile warming up on his face like he was showing gratitude.

He walked my way and bro hugged Jason. I don't get that greeting. Then he practically yells to Jason "ahh I see you brought chicks!" he says nudging Jason in his stomach and he sends smirks to me and Emma.

And that's when whatever reputation I build up for him in my head all shattered by those disgraceful words.

"shut up caelum" Emma says and he says "I'm just messing with ya" and side hugs Emma and says
" you know i will never have you on the same bed as me" he says has a devious smirk across his face. But might I add it was a beautiful face.

With that Emma jumped on caelum and starts ruffling his hair " please not the hair Emma.............emma staaaaaaaaaaap................. Stoppppppppp emmmaaaa or I will destroy all your shoes!!!!"

With that Emma stops messing up Caelum's hair. Caelum fixes his hair and smirks at Emma while Emma just sticks her tongue out.

To which I chuckle and Emma sends death stares and says " ohh you think that's funny it wont be funny when I flush your books down the toilet" she says twirling her finger imitating the flushing of my babies to which I gasp and say" you wouldn't dare" and she replies start up "try me"

I just back away with my hands in the air like I surrender.

All I could hear was chuckles from Jason and caelum stuffing his face with popcorn that somehow magically appeared and says

"oooo I love cat fights now can you guys like maybe make-out" to which Jason starts with his fits of laughter while me and Emma snap your necks towards caelum give one quick look at each other smirk and charge at Caelum's hair.

All we could hear was "ooooooh god lord please stoppppppp" but we were pretty occupied on trying to ruin Caelum's glossy brown hair.

I think me and Emma got pretty tired and stopped after a while and  caelum he huffed like a  disappointed dance mom and walked away to which me, Emma and jason laugh.

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