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The picture above is skyyyyyyy!!!!!! You may continue reading! Enjoy!;)p


Sky's P.O.V

After the little scene caelum had to create. I cleaned up the room a little bit cause it was officially smelling like two irresponsible teenage girls were well being, irresponsible.

After that I went out to the campus coffee shop to get some caffeine in my exhausted body.

I walk out on my dorm in grey sweatpants, converse and a black tank top.

Yes I'm a super model deal with it.

I go into the café to get my order when I see the devil enter the store. And it looks like he changed his shirt to a navy blue shirt with Metallica written across it.

I try and avoid eye contact and busy myself with the sugar packets in front of me when I feel and a gaze burn the back of my head. Tempted to turn around, "miss sky your order for a medium cappuccino is ready" is called out way too loud then necessary. I quickly shuffle to the counter to gather my things quickly when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I snapped my head to the owner if the hand.

To have a pair of green eyes stare back at me. I was so taken back by how captivating his eyes were. I was snapped back to reality when caelum is swinging my order back and forth in front of my eyes. Snapping me out of my daze.

I take hold if it quickly and mutter a very hushed thank you and exit the shop as fast as my legs could take me.

I hear my named being called out from a distance and turn around to meet the same green eyes coming towards me. "whoa there princess leia" , ugh this idiot i think to myself.

"and hottest" Caelum adds with a smirk.


"I said that out loud didn't I" i reply uneasily. "umm you did" caelum says with amusement laced in his voice.

I groan and turn on my heels to walk back to the dorm room where I can shut out the world with a good book. But too late mister stupid pants (yes I called him mister stupid pants, don't judge) had to interrupt the honeymoon in my head. "Be ready by 7 we're going out" caelum says. " you can't demand me around mister stupid pants" I say out and I instantly wrap my hand around my mouth and close my eyes shut only to hear caelum laughing his head off.

"di...didd..youuu....jussst...call me MISTER STUPID PANTS!!!!!" He says with laughter cutting each and every word. I just roll my eyes at him and turn to walk away when a hand catches my wrist and turns me around.

" you're cute princess" he says with a wink. "and don't worry Emma, Jason and Ryan are coming" and walks away and turns around to say "see you there babe" and smirks. And leaves me dumbstruck.

I internally groan and rub my face with my hand and turn and walk to my dorm.

I take a shower and curl up in my bed and snuggle in to read my book when the obnoxious door opens and Emma enters in the room in all her glory with her new PURPLE HAIR??

"umm what happened to your hair? " I ask a bit confused and she just puts her hand on her hips and flips her hair and says "I'm my true self now" and jumps on my bed and puts her finger to her forehead and says "A UNICORN!" And flips her hair over her shoulder and strikes a pose.

While I'm just awestruck and then later come to my senses and start laughing at how immature my roommate is. " you're laughing now darling i know you love me" she says with a rather sly smirk. " you keep telling yourself that" I reply with laughter lacing my voice.

She jumps off my bed and says "so you coming out at 7 right?" And then all my laughter subsided as Emma just reminded me of mister stupid pants *eye roll*

" I don't be anywhere near caelum anymore he is way too weird and horny for me" I reply bluntly.

"aw you're coming alright otherwise i will be left alone with the guys running around like hooligans on halloween candy"she said with a puppy dog face.

1) Her eyes were bulging out in the most adorable way possible

2) Her lip was quivering like a baby Chihuahua.

3) she had her hands out near her chin like paws!

"fineeeeee ill come!" I give in and shake my head in defeat. "Yaaaay" she squeals and claps her hands vigorously.

Jeez when is this girl going to drain of energy!

When I'm about to get off my bed I get a skater skirt, stockings and a off shoulder black bodysuit thrown in my face and all you hear from me was muffled yells due to the amount of clothes blocking my windpipe. (thanks alot Emma - kindly note the sarcasm)

"Go get changed we're going to be late!!!" Emma yells while shoving me into the bathroom to change.

She slams the door behind me and yells over the door "if your not dressed in 10 minutes young lady I will come there and do it myself if I have too" and I open the bathroom door a little and mock salute.

And the next moment we were on the floor laughing. At how stupid we were.

I think Emma is kinda warming up on me and its safe to say I wouldn't mind even calling her my friend.

I really like this feelings I think to myself and walk into the bathroom to get changed.


Filler chapter!

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