The BookWorm & The Untouchables

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Almost no one except for my few clients knew what the little black address book actually was. It's called 'The Encyclopedia' and there are many rumors of it contents. Although it looked like a vintage address book from the outside, only I knew what was inside. Names and numbers, and address. Seems normal right? Well thats where the normalities end because in the smaller book there's also information on relationship status, social status, what someone's favorites are and dirty secrets.

But since nobody besides myself has seen inside it, no one would know these secrets, but that's where I come in.

You see I am the BookWorm and I keep the book. People with crushes, and rivalries come to me to learn secrets of others. But for me to tell someone these secrets they must bring me three things. A dollar, another's guarded secret and their own secret or some other information I need.

At first when the book was blank I would float around at football games and the lunchroom, gathering any and all information, that I could. But now with such knowledge collected, people come to me.

Lately business has been slow but I've heard rumors of a party and couple break ups, which means at least one of my clients will be in soon.

I went through my book shelf searching for the box behind the dictionary.Which held the book inside. I lay the relatively small box on its side,exposing the domination lock. 22-49-31 *click*. I opened the box the smell of the wooden book flooded my nose as I opened the box. The book was in the center, black leather in pristine condition. I grabbed the golden chain necklace around my neck and held its mini key charm to the book lock. It opened with a click.

Also opened it, there was knock on the door. A costumer. I could always sense when the book was going to be used and planned accordingly. I wanted to acquire the required information before the costumer got in.

I locked the door and turned off the lights then I dropped the book on the floor, the thump of the book was almost silent and all you could hear was just a flurry of paper. When I turned the lights back on the book was opened to the page on The Untouchables.

My customer would probably be a guy, considering I rarely had girls ask about The Untouchables. I quickly read the page, then shut the book and put it back in its hiding place. I then lit candles and turned my light back off, as the customer approached the stairs.

They knocked, once then twice then three times showing that they were a frequent costumer. Matt. I thought. That would make sense. He knocked again then walked right in.

"Sup BookWorm. Do you know why I'm here?"

"Yes. The Untouchables right?"

"Yeah I need to know numbers and favorites, and secrets might come in handy."

"Ok but you know what that will cost right?"

"Um yeah I have the money, and what kinda info do u want?"

"Someone else's secret. And one of your own."

"Ok um.. well Nicole stuffs her bra, and I.."

"You have to tell me if you want the info."

"Ok fine- sometimes I wear on of my sisters crop tops and sing to one direction." He said quickly, obviously embarrassed.

"Ok, now do you want me to read the description?"

"Um sure it's not gunna cost me extra right?"

"No it won't. Ok so The Untouchables are a squad of three girls who guys find pretty irresistible, and almost all girls hate, but secretly envy. The three girls are Allison the leader, Liz the makeup guru, and Hope the fashionista. All the girls almost always wear coordinated outfits. All three are naturally voluptuous. The reason that they are called The Untouchables, is because of Ryan, and his posse. In the 6th grade Ryan fell head over heels for Allison, and proclaimed that any guy that asked her out would be beaten up. The rule was later changed to include Liz and Hope as Ryan's two best friends then also fell head over heels, so now those three girls are protected by the code."

"Ok so that's cool but I wanna know numbers, favorites, and some secrets."

"I'm getting to that." I scribbled there numbers on a notepad and handed it to Matt.

"Ok um well Allison secretly wears nerd glasses, and Hope secretly is bi. As for Liz there are no reported secrets for her. Um all of there favorite colors are pink and baby blue. They also all love the show Degrassi. And that's all that was in there file." I ended.

"Thanks again BookWorm. Btw BookWorm, has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?"

"No Matt I will not be your 108th now go away. Before I leak your secret."

He started to walk away.

"Wait! I have one last question. Why do you want to know about The Untouchables?"

They are almost the only people I have left?"

"Why aren't you going for the 'middle class' girls?" I said referring to our social status labeling.

"I tried one, but they're harder to crack than they look."

"Do you wanna know why?"

"Yeah. And what's there weakness?"

"I can tell you but, it will cost you."


Sorry for such a short chapter, @rainbowlaser wanted me to elaborate on the untouchables so here. Btw, I wanna submit this to watty awards. Tell me if I should in the comments. 😋 bye.

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