The Game Changer

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*Matt's POV*

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you." I said as BookWorm threatens to release my 1d secret.

"Well then out with it, what's your biggest secret?"

"There was never a contest, and ok reality the number isn't 108 it around 34. I just made up the contest so I could brag to my friends, and hide behind something when people got mad."

I said defeated

"OMG I knew it! I knew you weren't that terrible of a person, or that much of a player. Now I tell you."

"So what's the secret to cracking the middle class?"

"One word: honesty. All you have to do is tell them the truth and they'll trust you. And once try trust you, they're pretty willing."

"So what do I have to do?"

"Tell them the truth and not just them but all the girls, and it will seem like your vulnerable. Which is a good quality in guys.

I sighed I knew I would never be honest, how's a player supposed to be honest.

"Well ok fine but how will I even tell them?"

"Instagram, you have what like the entire middle school following you just post an apology letter and then see what happens."

"Will you at least help me were it?"

"Ok whatever, but let's do it now."

*Sarah's POV*

I could not believe what I was reading. Was this some sort of prank? And who does something like this on Instagram?

I am sorry, to any and all girls that I have ever tricked because of my stupid competition. In reality there never was an actual competition, just a way to trick girls into going to 2nd base. I am truly sorry and wanted to admit this before I went on to nineth grade so that in high school I can have a fresh start. Sincerely Matt. Ps Sarah I am SOOO sorry. I hope you can forgive me.

Weirdest thing was that I had over one hundred likes, and when I checked they were all people who went to our school. I was speechless especially after all the events of the past couple of months. I was just astounded. I thought about forgiving him but I don't know I just...


E: did you see Matt's Instagram post? do you believe him.

S:yeah I did and idk I think but.. I just.. idk.

E: ok I'll see you at school tomorrow we have to talk about it then.

*(next day) Maddie's POV*

Why the teacher have to give us homework? I tried to work on the assignment during lunch but it didn't work there were to many people talking about the same thing. Which never happens so I obviously had to eves drop a little. but I heard snid-bits of conversations.

"Did you see the Instagram pic?"

"... What you think he meant?"

"Soo... how do you reload a chicken?"

Not really sure where the last one came from, and after that I pretty much stopped listening to the conversations but I still didn't get the assignment done. I'm just glad it turned out to be extra credit and not and not something that counted towards our grade.

*Bridget's POV*

"Wait. He apologized?! how did I miss this?? Oh right I don't have an Instagram... freaking kindle."

I cursed at my kindle.

"Yeah I know right, I can't believe he would do that. It was like a total turn of events. Sarah do you think he actually meant it and if he did do you think he's gunna ask you out?" Ellie demanded excitedly.

"Idk but maybe, what do you think I should do?" She said.

"Idk but we're gonna be freshman soon, like it's only a summer time away." I encouraged

"Yeah that's what I'm scared about, freshman year, what am I gunna do?!" Sarah said, putting head in her hands.

"Maybe you should just try to forget this year,pretend like it never happened." Ellie said, being only half serious.

"I don't want to though, because this year was, a game changer." We both nodded agreeing with Sarah. This year definatly had been a game changer. I mean with all things that had happened it was weird to think that we could just forget it all.

"I know what I'm gunna do." That was all she said, right before the last bell rang. Then we all ran out of the school, all of so happy that it was only a weekend before summer break.

*Sarah's POV (Right After School, cleaning out lockers)*

I didnt notice Matt walking up behind me, until he whispered 'hi' in my ear. "Jesus Matt, dont do that, you scared the crap out of me."

"Sorry Sarah, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the end of the year dance with me. And I really am sorry."

"As appealing as that offer seems, I'm going to have to turn it down, me and my friends are going as a group."

"Okay, well I hope we can be friends." He said starting to walk away. I ran to him hugging my arms around his neck. "Of course." I whispered into his ear.

"Wow that really IS creepy." He laughed. Then he turned around and kissed me. And honestly wish it had never ended, but unfortunatley he had to clean out his locker so eventually he left leaving only a sweet taste on my lips.

*Collin's POV (One hour After School)*

I was cleaning out my locker when she walked up to me. She looked as beautiful as ever, but her eyes said she was distraught. "Collin we need to talk."

My heart stared to race, what did she mean?

"I.." she started "I love you but my heart is split in two, so I don't want to do something I will regret. So before I do something I can't change I wanna say that we can't be together, at least not over the summer."

I felt a pit at the bottom of my stomach. "Can we at least still go to the dance together?" My voice cracking, as I became more emotional. "Listen Collin, you will always be close to my heart, and always one of my best friends, so to your offer I will have to say no. But me and a group of my friends were gunna go, do you wanna come."

"Of course I said half smiling."

*(end of year dance) nobody POV*

They had a great time, and nothing could have ended the year more perfectly. They all took a bunch of pictures even the ones where Collin was being pecked on the cheek by Sarah. And overall it was an amazingly happy memory. Something that they would never forget, no matter what happens.

*Author Note*

Gunna be a big annoucement next chapter, and dedicated cuz she gave me the idea for a plot twist, hope you liked it

-bye loves 😘

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