The Idiot's Lantern

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"I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era, you know the white flares and the, grr, chest hair." Rose told my dad as she walked out of the TARDIS in a pair of pink high heels and layers of tulle, while my dad had his hair in a teddy boy quiff.

"You are kidding, aren't you? You want to see Elvis, you go for the late fifties. The time before burgers. When they called him the Pelves and he still had a waist." I rode of the TARDIS on a scooter, my dad on the other one "What's more, you see him in style,"

Rose laughed "I still can't believe he let you wear that," she was implying my outfit of a leather jacket, black pants, and black boots and blue top underneath.

"I don't do dresses, Rose. The only reason why I wore that dress for the Victorian times was because there was no other choice," I placed a pair of shades on my face. "It's good to be a tomboy,"

My dad smirked "You going my way, doll?"

Rose smiled as she put her own shades on "Is there any other way to go, daddy-o? Straight from the fridge, man,"

"Hey, you speak the lingo,"

Rose shrugged "Oh, well, me, mum, Cliff Richard movies every Bank Holiday Monday,"

"Ah, Cliff. I knew your mother'd be a Cliff fan," we took off riding down the street.

"Where we off to?"

"Ed Sullivan TV Studios. Elvis did Hound Dog on one of the shows. There were loads of complaints. Bit of luck, we'll just catch it,"

I looked around confused "And that'll be TV studios in, what, New York?"

He nodded "That's the one," a red bus drove past the end of the street, and we pulled up by a red post box, looking at all the Union Flags strung between the houses.

Me and Rose snorted "Ha! Digging that New York vibe,"

My dad pouted "Well, this could still be New York. I mean, this looks very New York to me."

"Really seems sort of Londony, to me," I laughed

Rose looked at the flags "What are all the flags for?"

"Well..." I noticed someone delivering a television "Let's ask," I walked up to the van, Rose and my Dad following behind.

"There you go, sir, all wired up for the great occasion,"

"The great occasion?" I questioned "What do you mean?"

"Where've you been living, out in the Colonies? Coronation, of course,"

"Really, which one?"

"What do you mean? The Coronation,"

"It's the Queen's." Rose exclaimed "Queen Elizabeth,"

My dad looked around "Oh! Is this 1953?"

"Last time I looked. Time for a lovely bit of pomp and circumstance, what we do best,"

"Look at all the TV aerials. Looks like everyone's got one," I noted

"That's weird." Rose stated "My nan said tellies were so rare they all had to pile into one house,"

"Not around here, love. Magpie's Marvellous Tellies, only five quid a pop,"

"Oh, but this is a brilliant year." My dad ignoring the current topic "Classic! Technicolour, Everest climbed, everything off the ration. The nation throwing off the shadows of war and looking forward to a happier, brighter future,"

We all turned when a woman began shouting "Someone help me, please! Ted!" we watched as two burly men in black suits bundled a person into the back of a car, a blanket covering their identity. "Leave him alone! He's my husband! Please,"

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