The Age of Steel

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 The Cybermen surrounded us and I couldn't take it anymore "No!" I shouted a golden energy hitting the Cybermen and atomising them.

Everyone was silent, my dad grabbing my hand "We'll have that instead. Run!"

A van's horn sounded and Mrs. Moore appeared "Everybody, in!"

"I've got to go back." Pete said "My wife's in there,"

"Anyone inside that house is dead. If you want to help, then don't let her die for nothing. You've got to come with us right now,"

"Come one on!" Moore shouted "Get a move on!"

My dad looked at Rose "Rose, she's not your mother,"

"I know,"

"Come on,"

"Finished chatting? Never seen a slower getaway in my life!"

"Matrix..." I looked up from my hands


"The TARDIS must have put a bit of herself inside you," I nodded "How are you feeling?"

"A bit light headed," he ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead as I laid against him

"Leave him alone." Rose told the group, causing me to tune in on their conversation "What's he done wrong?"

"Oh, you know, just laid a trap that's wiped out the Government and left Lumic in charge," Jake told her while glaring at Pete.

"If I was part of all that, do you think I'd leave my wife inside?"

"Maybe your plan went wrong." Ricky told him "Still gives us the right to execute you, though,"

"Talk about executions, you'll make me your enemy," My dad told them

"Take some really good advice," I advised them "You don't really want to do that,"

"All the same, we have evidence that says Pete Tyler's been working for Lumic since 20.5,"

Rose turned to Pete "Is that true?"

"Tell them," My dad jumped when he saw my double

"We've got a government mole who feeds us information. Lumic's private files, his South American operations, the lot. Secret broadcasts twice a week," Gemini stated "But you'd already know that wouldn't you?"

"And how would he know that?"

"He's the government mole," we both said at the same time. Ricky still looked unsure and Gemini nodded at Pete.

"Encrypted wavelength six five seven using binary nine. That's the only reason I was working for Lumic. To get information. I thought I was broadcasting to the Security Services. What do I get? Scooby Doo and his gang. They've even got the van,"

"No, no, no." Mickey argued "But the Preachers know what they're doing. Ricky said he's London's Most Wanted,"

"Yeah, that's not exactly..."

"Not exactly what?"

Gemini smirked "He's London's Most Wanted for parking tickets,"


"Yeah, they were deliberate." Ricky told us "I was fighting the system. Park anywhere, that's me,"

"I totally see it now...Mickey the idiot," I laughed as both Mickey and Ricky glared at me.

"I'm the Doctor, by the way, if anyone's interested,"

"And I'm Rose. Hello,"

"Even better." Pete whined "That's the name of my dog. Still, at least I've got the catering staff on my side," I raised my eyebrow at my dad and he shrugged.

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