Chapter Two

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"Lord Roran, welcome to Bellerophon!" King Aaron exclaimed. "I hope your journey did not trouble you." He sat back in his seat and the rest of us followed suit.

"It was satisfactory," replied Lord Roran. Lord Roran was a tall man, with skin darker than mine. He was handsome even though he was forty five years of age, and still retained the muscle he had put on. He was a sharp contrast to Lord Aaron.

His face was angular and his chin flecked with a slight beard. His brown hair was shot with grey and his blue eyes were electric. The right half of his face was covered with an ornate mask that covered even his eye.

"Might I introduced my wife, the lovely Lady Sasha and our son, Prince Leonardo," Lord Roran gestured with a flourish of his hand.

The woman standing next to him curtseyed and the green-eyed man bowed.

The Lady Sasha was in her mid-twenties, but no one questioned how their son could be nineteen years old.  She was beautiful, with long red hair and sea-green eyes. She wore a fluffy blue gown.

Their son, Lord Leonardo, was slightly taller than his mother. His hair was unruly, but that gave him all the more charm. His face was carved with all the right angles: high cheekbones and a sharp nose. I noticed some of the ladies of the court eyeing him like predators and I vowed to kill them.

"Your son has grown well," commented Lord Aaron.

Lord Leonardo smiled. "You are kind, your Majesty."

I wondered what he must have felt, uttering those words. As the kings conversed, I let my eyes roam over all the others that had arrived. 

Lord Roran had been accompanied by a group of over twenty people. I knew each and every one of them personally. Their ages ranged from twenty and upwards, with only two children. All of them cast me glances filled with hurt, confusion, sorrow and even rage. I must have really broken their hearts when I left.

I turned back to Lord Roran, meeting the piercing gaze of Lord Leonardo as I went. His face was expressionless, just as mine was, and for some reason that made me feel terrible.

Ignoring him, I tried to concentrate on what Lord Roran was saying. Aaron and Lord Roran conversed about political issues in both Bellerophon and the kingdom that was Lord Roran's: Lamia. The subject of politics did not interest me in the slightest, but I didn't want to leave my eyes to roam. I could feel twenty pairs of eyes burn a hole on my neck, and turning my eyes to them would cause more damage.

Finally, Lord Aaron decided it was time our guests rested. "If there is anything you desire, then Lady Arya," he gestured to me, "will be more than happy to help you." I clenched my jaw but smiled. Of all the honors he could have bestowed upon me, it had to be this one.

"Do not let her age fool you," Aaron continued, "for she is smarter than anyone I have ever known. If I do not beware, she might just take my throne from me." He laughed loudly and the others followed suit, though many were half-hearted. I smiled widely. He could not have hit closer to the truth.

Lord Roran and his entourage were led away by a few servants and I managed to avoid all the last minute glances thrown my way. I would be meeting them soon, I was sure.

Once they were gone, the king turned to me. "What do you think about that family?"

"They seem honourable, my Lord," I said, shifting into my role as advisor. "I suggest we accept their proposal. We cannot be too sure of our friends these days."

The king nodded thoughtfully. Then he turned to his son, Lord Lyon. "What is your opinion?"

"I agree with what Lady Arya says," he said. "We must sign the peace treaty. It would be helpful for us in the future."

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