Chapter Five

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"Lyon!" I threw my arms around him and he returned the embrace.

I held him tight, unaware of how concerned I had been for him. "Are you alright?"

He pulled away, looking at the wound that was half wrapped. "What happened?"

I shrugged. "Long story."

"Hello, Ella," he nodded to someone behind me. Ella smiled at him and continued tying my bandage.

Lyon turned back to me. "Father wants to meet us for lunch."

My eyes widened visibly. "Why?"

"He wouldn't say."

I took a breath, but my voice still wavered when I said, "Alright."

Lyon nodded. "I just thought I ought to inform you. If you will excuse me, I have some errands to run." He took leave of us and left.

"That was odd," commented Kirin.

I felt a sudden need to defend Lyon. "Not at all," I said coolly.

Before the both of us could get into a fight, Larkin stepped in. "Will you be joining us for breakfast, Lady Arya?"

I glanced quickly at Kirin and knew I wouldn't be. "No, thank you, my Lord, but I have work to do as well."

Larkin seemed visibly disappointed and I wanted to take back what I said.

"Very well," he said. "I was hoping you would perhaps take the liberty of showing the three of us around the palace. Perhaps, after your work is finished?"

"I could do that," Nicole interrupted. I rolled my eyes, irritated. Could she not find a corner to polish her nails and stay there? "I dare say I know the palace much better than Arya. She had been here only a few months."

"Yet, the king called on her to aid us," said Sasha, fixing Nicole with a steely gaze. "I wonder why that is." I felt a rush of affection for Sasha. I had not known her all that well while I had been with them, but I knew she was as firm as she was kind and would tolerate no nonsense from anyone.

Nicole floundered around for a response. "Yes, but, um, Lord Aaron only meant if you need something brought to you. Arya is only here to serve you," she finished smoothly.

"Relax your arm, otherwise I cannot bandage it," Ella hissed so that only I could hear. I did not realize my shoulders had tensed and relaxed them immediately.

Sasha glared so hard at Nicole that she actually squirmed. "Thank you for your offer," said Sasha, the sarcasm biting, "but I would prefer someone more compatible for my son."

Both Kirin's and my face flushed. He looked wildly at Sasha, wondering what had gotten into her, while I tried to glare daggers at Ella who was stifling a laugh. She cleared her throat and stepped back. "Your arm is wrapped, milady," she bit back a giggle.

"Thank you," I said. I turned to Sasha, ignoring Kirin's eyes, and said, "It would be an honour, my Lady."


When I woke up again, the silhouette of a man was skimming through my bookshelf.

"What are you doing here?" I grumbled, stretching.

"Your maid let me inside," Kirin said by way of reply.

Ella was sitting on a chair by the door. "You know, when a strange man wants to enter a woman's room while she's sleeping, you're supposed to alert her."

"Oh, do not worry," Kirin said. "She made sure I would not get closer to your bed than necessary."

Suddenly, it was terribly hot under the blanket. I threw it off and got up, glad I hadn't changed out of my dress. "What do you want?" I asked, not unkindly.

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