House of Memories - Tyler Joseph - Twenty One Pilots

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"Hey babe?" Tyler calls out from the lounge room

"Yeah Ty" you say walking out to him from the kitchen

"Are you doing anything today?" He asks

"Nah I was just gonna catch up on Game of Thrones and Orange is the New Black" you shrug

"Well" he says and walks over to you "wanna come with me?"

"Oh you have that photoshoot thing today don't you?" You say and wrap your arms around his waist as he puts his hands on your hips

"Yeah. It'll be cute if your there. I need someone to get me to smile and your good at doing that" he smiles

"I love you so much Tyler" you say softly

"I love you more" he says and kisses you

"When is it?" You ask

"Three quarters of an hour" he shrugs

You quirk your brow "Shouldn't we leave shortly then?"

"Yeah in ten" he says

"Shouldn't you get ready then?"

"I am ready. I just want ten minutes to make out with you before we leave"

"I could be a bitch and say n-" he cut you off with a hard passionate kiss

"Aww you have no choice babygirl" he mumbles into the kiss

"Lounge?" You pull away to ask

"Yeah" he says so you both walk over to the lounge

"You're really cute Ty" you sigh as you look into the boys beautiful dark eyes

"You're really beautiful" he says before pulling you into his lap and kissing you again

+++ 8 minutes later +++

"I wish that we could do this all day rather than a lot of things" you laugh

"Well are you ready?" He asks

"Yeah" you kiss his cheek

"Let's go"

+++ 20 minutes later +++

"We're here" Tyler says parking the car


He takes your hand in his and you walk into the complex together. Josh was there already just sitting down on a chair playing with his phone

"Ayeeee Josh!" Tyler cheers as he walks over to him

"Ty! Y/n!" Josh smiles, pushing himself out of his chair to greet you

"How yah doing?" You ask and give him a hug

"I'm doing alright, how bout you guys?"

"Im doing real good" you smile

"Yeah me too" tyler says

"That's great. The photographer dude'll be here in ten"

+++ 10 minutes later +++

"Hey guys!" A man in a pastel purple shirt says cheerily as he walks into the building "and hello honey" he wiggles his eyebrows at you. Tyler puts his arm around you and gives the guy a look as if to say 'back off she's my girl'
"Apologies Josh-" the man starts

"Uh I'm Tyler" Tyler mumbles

"Oh darn very sorry uh Tyler but your girl...she's stunning" he laughs awkwardly

"I know right my girl's absolutely beautiful" Tyler says proudly, smiling at you

"Well all this beside, lets get started shall we?"

"Yo what's your name?" Josh asks


"Cool name" he mumbles, flashing a kind smile

"Well follow me then" Denis says and you all follow him to a large room with a white backdrop

"Whoa uh I feel clostrophobic but yet I am aesthetically pleased yikes" you laugh as you enter the room

"You're not the only one" josh says

"Ok Tyler" denis starts "josh, lets do this"

+++ 30 minutes later +++

"Well I guess that's it" denis says

"Wait uh, denis can I ask you something?" Tyler says

"Sure" he smiles and Tyler goes over and whispers something to him

"Oh of course my boy" denis grins

"Hey y/n come here" Tyler says

"Alright" you half smile and walk over to him. He takes your hand in his and walks you in front of the camera a bit

"How about we have our own little photoshoot aye?" He smirks and pulls you into a soft kiss, and with a flash of light denis caught that moment in a picture

"What about Josh?" You ask

"He's fine with it... it was actually his idea" tyler giggles "he thought it would be a cute thing to do since we've been together for a year and a half as of next Tuesday. Consider it as a bit of an anniversary present" he shrugs

"Awe you guys. Man I don't deserve you" you sigh "so how do we do this?"

"Well, Denis here will take a million pictures while we're being a cute couple"

"This is just the best thank you so much!" You cheer and give Tyler and hug, again Denis taking the picture

The next half an hour was you and Tyler being the cutest couple while Denis tool a million pictures of it, which would end up on your wall to show your kids in the years to come


Sorry it's short, please comment requests or PM or tweet them to me even @swinkswankfrank


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